


GF_User_Registration is the class which houses the main functionality of the Gravity Forms User Registration Add-on; it extends the GFFeedAddOn class which is part of the add-on framework. Below are a few functions which you may find useful when working on your own custom code.
The gf_user_registration() function is used to return an instance of the GF_User_Registration class.
Triggers processing of the User Registration feeds for the specified form and entry objects.
$entry = gf_user_registration()->maybe_process_feed( $entry, $form );

$entry Entry Object
The Entry Object to be processed.

$form Form Object
The Form Object to be processed.

Returns Entry Object

Retrieves the feed for the specified form and entry objects.
$feed = gf_user_registration()->get_single_submission_feed( $entry, $form );

$entry Entry Object
The Entry Object to be processed.

$form Form Object
The Form Object to be processed.

Returns Feed Object|boolean
The feed which was used to process the supplied entry object or false if a feed wasn』t processed for the entry and an active feed with matching conditional logic could not be found.

Retrieves the value to be used for the specified meta key.
$value = gf_user_registration()->get_meta_value( $meta_key, $meta, $form, $entry );

$meta_key string
The meta key for the field which was mapped when configuring the feed.

$meta User Registration Feed Meta
The array containing the feed properties.

$form Form Object
The Form Object being processed.

$entry Entry Object
The Entry Object being processed.

Returns string
The value matching the meta mapping for the given meta key or if not found, an empty string.

Useful when performing custom validation using the gform_user_registration_validation filter to add a custom validation error message.
$form = gf_user_registration()->add_validation_error( $field_id, $form, $message );

$field_id integer
The ID of the field the validation error should be applied to.

$form Form Object
The Form Object to be processed.

$message string
The validation message to be applied to the field.

Returns Form Object

Retrieve the user object or id for the user which was created or updated by the supplied entry id.
$user = gf_user_registration()->get_user_by_entry_id( $entry_id );
$user_id = gf_user_registration()->get_user_by_entry_id( $entry_id, true );

$entry_id integer
The ID of the entry the user was created or updated from.

$id_only boolean
Defaults to false. Indicates if the user ID should be returned instead of the full WP_User object

Returns boolean|integer|WP_User
False if a user wasn』t created or updated from the entry, or the user id or WP_User object.

Retrieve the id of the site which was created or updated by the supplied entry id.
$site = gf_user_registration()->get_site_by_entry_id( $entry_id );

$entry_id integer
The ID of the entry the user was created or updated from.

Returns boolean|integer
False if a site wasn』t created or updated from the entry, or the site id.

The insert_feed() method can be used to add User Registration feeds.
$feed_id = gf_user_registration()->insert_feed( $form_id, $is_active, $meta );

$form_id integer
The ID of the form this feed will be used with.

$is_active boolean
Is this feed active or inactive.

$meta User Registration Feed Meta
An associative array containing the properties which determine if a user will be updated or created when the feed is processed.

Returns integer
The ID of the new feed.

Add a note to the specified Entry.
gf_user_registration()->add_note( $entry_id, $note, $note_type );

$entry_id integer
The ID of the Entry this note should be added to.

$note string
The note to be added.

$note_type string
The type of note to be added. Example values: note, success, or error.

Writes a debug message to the log file for the User Registration Add-On. Requires the Logging Add-On.
gf_user_registration()->log_debug( $message );

$message string
The message to be written to the User Registration log.

Writes an error message to the log file for the User Registration Add-On. Requires the Logging Add-On.
gf_user_registration()->log_error( $message );

$message string
The message to be written to the User Registration log.


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