Creating a Feed for the ActiveCampaign Add-On

Creating a Feed for the ActiveCampaign Add-On

SummaryCreate a FeedFeed Settings Reference


Before the ActiveCampaign Add-On can be used with Gravity Forms, you will first need to create a feed. Your ActiveCampaign feeds allow you to integrate a form with your ActiveCampaign account to feed user information in real-time when a form is submitted. This allows you to automatically add subscribers to your ActiveCampaign list when a form is submitted.

Create a Feed

To create a feed to ActiveCampaign using the ActiveCampaign Add-On for Gravity Forms, do the following from your WordPress Admin Dashboard:

Click on Forms in the left side menu.Select the form that you want to use with ActiveCampaign.Once within your desired form, hover over Settings and click on ActiveCampaign.Click Add New to create a new feed. You will be presented with the ActiveCampaign feed settings screen.

Feed Settings Reference

This table describes the feed settings options you will be offered for an ActiveCampaign feed.

SettingDescriptionImage KeyNameTo identify your feed when viewing the feed list page. Required1ListSelect the list you would like to add the subscriber to. Required2Map FieldsMap ActiveCampaign fields to the form field that will send that information. Email field is required. If you need to add a custom field, select 「Add Custom Field」 in the dropdown and type the field name.3TagsDefine the tags for the new addition to ActiveCampaign. Either enter them in the Tags field or use merge tags to dynamically generate them based on the form submission.4NoteAssign a note to the user using text and merge tags.5Double Opt-In FormSelect which ActiveCampaign form will be used when exporting to ActiveCampaign to send the opt-in email.6Conditional LogicIf unchecked, every successful form submission will be sent to ActiveCampaign. If you wish to set specific conditions for sending form data to ActiveCampaign, then check the 「Enable Condition」 box and fill out your required criteria.7OptionsEnable Instant Responders if you want the user to receive the Instant Responder setup for the selected ActiveCampaign List upon signup. Enable Send the last broadcast campaign if you want the user to receive the last campaign sent out to the selected ActiveCampaign List.8

Using Gravity Forms to Create New Sites Within Multisite

Using Gravity Forms to Create New Sites Within Multisite



When running a multisite network in WordPress, you may need to create new sites within your network straight from a registration form. The User Registration Add-On for Gravity Forms enables this fairly easily. Here, we will show you how.


Installed the User Registration Add-On.created a form within Gravity Forms, This article also assumes that you have an existing understanding of using the User Registration add-on.


Navigate to your registration form.From the Settings menu, select User Registration.Create a new feed by clicking the Add New button.

On the settings page, after the Action and Gravity Form options are selected, you will see a heading labeled Network Options. Select the checkbox labeled Create new site when a user registers.Additional options will appear. These are the options that will be used to create the new site once the form is submitted. Map the form field for each of these options.

Once activated, this feed will create a new site within a multisite network within Gravity Forms.

If you would like more information on the User Registration Add-On, refer to the User Registration Add-On documentation category.

Creating a Feed for the FreshBooks Add-On

Creating a Feed for the FreshBooks Add-On

SummaryCreate a FeedFeed Settings ScreenSetup FreshBooks Invoice or Estimate

Before the FreshBooks Add-On can be used with Gravity Forms, you will first need to create a feed. A feed simply allows form submission data to be sent to another source. In this instance, form data being sent to FreshBooks.
Create a Feed
To create a feed for FreshBooks using the FreshBooks Add-On for Gravity Forms, do the following from your WordPress Admin Dashboard.

Click on Forms in the left side menu.
Select the form that you want to use with FreshBooks.
Once within your desired form, hover over Settings and click on FreshBooks.
Click Add New to create a new feed. You will be presented with the FreshBooks feed settings screen.

Feed Settings Screen
The following fields are available within the settings screen. Refer to the settings screenshot below.

A feed Name is required. It is only used for identification and will not be shown anywhere other than your feed listing.
Client Settings: Map the fields on your form with fields available within FreshBooks by selecting your form fields in the dropdowns to the right of each item.
In the Notes field you can define any custom notes you would like to be placed into FreshBooks. This field also supports merge tags to dynamically generate content. To view the available merge tags, click the icon to the right of the field.
Invoice/Estimate Settings: Create an invoice or estimate within FreshBooks when the field is submitted. For more information on these, take a look at our Invoice/Estimate Settings in Freshbook Add-On Feeds article.
Conditional Logic: If unchecked, every successful form submission will be sent to FreshBooks. If you wish to set specific conditions for sending form data to FreshBooks, then check the 「Enable Condition」 box and fill out your required criteria.
Click the Update Settings button to save your options.

Setup FreshBooks Invoice or Estimate
One of the options available when setting up a FreshBooks Feed is the ability to create an invoice or estimate when a form is submitted. This is an optional step that will allow you to jumpstart the invoice or estimate process by creating one when a form is submitted. This will allow you to then go into FreshBooks and complete the invoice or estimate, saving you time in the process.
To create an Invoice or Estimate follow these steps:

Select 「Invoice」 or 「Estimate」 from the 「Also Create」 option when setting up or editing a FreshBooks Feed.
Map the PO Number field to an available Form Field. This is optional.
Set a default discount percentage to apply to any invoice or estimate that is created with this feed. This is optional.
Setup your line items by choosing fixed costs and quantities, or opt to pull costs and quantities from available form fields. You an add additional line items by clicking the plus icon. This is optional.
Enter default invoice or estimate notes.
Enter the default terms for the invoice or estimate.
Now that you have setup a FreshBooks feed, when the form you selected is submitted, it will automatically send the data you have selected to FreshBooks and automatically create (or update) a client, invoice, or estimate.

Coupons Change Log

Coupons Change Log

3.0 | 2020-09-292.11 | 2020-09-282.10 | 2020-05-112.9 | 2019-8-142.8 | 2018-11-302.7 | 2018-11-022.6 | 2017-04-262.5 | 2017-02-222.4 | 2017-01-052.3 | 2016-07-292.2 | 2015-07-272.1 | 2015-04-202.0 | 2015-03-301.1 | 2014-09-241.0 | 2014-07-15

3.0 | 2020-09-29

Added a custom icon to the Coupon field for Gravity Forms 2.5.
Updated empty coupons list verbiage.
Fixed the alignment of the coupon amount tooltip in the add new coupon page.
Fixed compatibility issues with PHP 8.

2.11 | 2020-09-28

Added support for Gravity Forms 2.5.
Fixed a rounding issue with the form total for some discounts when used with the PayPal Commerce Platform Add-On.
Fixed PHP notices which occur when exporting the coupon field value for entries created since version 2.9.3.

2.10 | 2020-05-11

Added translations for Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, and Turkish.
Added support for dynamic population.
Added the label visibility and description placement settings to the field appearance tab.
Fixed a notice with PHP 7.4 which occurs when configuring a new coupon.
Fixed an issue where a coupon using an integer based code would prevent a product field with a matching ID from appearing in the order summary table.

2.9 | 2019-8-14

Added the gform_coupons_can_apply_coupon PHP filter enabling custom logic to be used to determine if the coupon code can be applied.
Added the gform_coupons_post_delete_coupon JS action hook which is triggered after a coupon is deleted from the field.
Fixed an issue which can result in negative values for total fields.
Fixed issue where conditional logic generates error if the input being evaluated does not have an ID attribute (e.g. List field inputs).

2.8 | 2018-11-30

Added support for GF 2.4 conditional logic.

2.7 | 2018-11-02

Added $entry as the fourth parameter of the gform_coupons_discount_amount filter.
Added GPL to plugin header.
Updated the Start Date and End Date datepickers on the edit coupon page to use the YYYY-MM-DD format.
Updated Plugin URI and Author URI to use https.
Fixed Euro currency formatting of the flat amount when the edit coupon page is displayed.

2.6 | 2017-04-26

Added security enhancement.
Added translations.
Fixed code style.

2.5 | 2017-02-22

Added security enhancement.
Added 'isCoupon' flag when adding coupons to order summary; allows 3rd parties to more reliable identify coupons in the order summary.

2.4 | 2017-01-05

Added gform_coupons_is_valid_code to override coupon code alphanumeric checking in Gravity Forms 2.2.2.
Updated coupons.js to use the gform_product_total filter with a later priority.
Updated how default label for new fields is set.
Fixed wrong domain for translating the "Coupon" button.
Fixed an issue with the formatting of the percentage coupon amount when a decimal comma based currency is in use.

2.3 | 2016-07-29

Added Dutch translation (nl_NL). Credit: Maarten Emmerink.
Updated gform_coupon_script dependencies to include gform_gravityforms.
Updated Coupon Code validation to only allow alphanumeric characters.
Updated bulk actions and feed action links.
Fixed issue where "undefined" was output before coupon markup when applying a coupon.
Fixed front-end JS error when attempting to remove an applied coupon if the coupon code includes special characters.

2.2 | 2015-07-27

Added GF_Field_Coupon::get_value_export() to return entry value formatted as {couponName} ({couponCode}: {discount}). Multiple codes will be comma separated e.g. $50 OFF (50OFF: -$50.00), 25% OFF (25OFF: -$10.00). Used for entry exports and some framework based add-ons since GF
Added required and custom validation message settings.
Updated Spanish (es_ES) translation.
Updated minimum Gravity Forms version to 1.9.5.
Updated scripts and stylesheets to use minified files by default unless SCRIPT_DEBUG is active or query param gform_debug is set, e.g.
Updated to alert if a Total field is not present when adding the Coupon field.
Fixed an issue with one of the field validation messages not being translatable.
Fixed an issue with the coupons not being included in the product info when notifications are sent after submission.
Fixed an issue with duplicate coupon codes being allowed to be created.
Fixed an issue with the coupon field where removed coupons were not removed from the hidden coupon detail input resulting in the appearance that the coupon was reapplied when returning to the page containing the coupon field.
Fixed an issue with the upgrade routine which caused it run even if a pre-framework version hadn't been installed.

2.1 | 2015-04-20

Added Spanish (es_ES) translation.
Updated gform_coupon_script deps to include gform_json.
Fixed a low severity security vulnerability in the admin area which could be exploited by authenticated users with form administration permissions.

2.0 | 2015-03-30

Added Add-on Framework integration.
Added support for using the coupon field with conditional logic.
Added support for placeholders.
Added POT file.
Added a bulk action to the feed page for resetting the coupon usage count.
Added the visibility setting to the fields advanced tab.
Added the capability to view the plugin page.
Added text domain/path to header.
Added gform_coupons_discount_amount PHP hook to support modifying the discount amount.
add_filter( 'gform_coupons_discount_amount', 'add_logged_in_user_bonus_discount', 10, 3 );
function add_logged_in_user_bonus_discount( $discount, $coupon, $price ) {
if( is_user_logged_in() ) {
$discount += 5;
return $discount;
Added gform_coupons_discount_amount JS hook.
gform.addFilter( 'gform_coupons_discount_amount', function( discount, couponType, couponAmount, price, totalDiscount ) {
// you would need to write your own JS-version of is_user_logged_in()
if( is_user_logged_in() ) {
discount += 5;
return discount;
} );
Fixed an issue with the ajax request for applying coupons not functioning for logged out users.
Fixed an issue with feed processing which in some situations could prevent the coupon usage count being updated.
Fixed an issue with the field label for attribute.
Fixed an issue with the usage count being lost when updating an existing coupon.
Fixed an issue where pasting the coupon code using right-click caused the Apply button to not enable.
Fixed issue where existing coupon code was not saved when editing an entry.
Fixed issue with some translation text domain strings being misspelled.

1.1 | 2014-09-24

Updated plugin updated method so that it takes advantage of proxy manager to get around the blacklisted IP issue.
Updated several instances of domain used for translations from gravityformscoupon to the correct domain of gravityformscoupons.
Updated javascript in DisableApplyButton function since the button remained disabled for some users.
Fixed issue with product info cache not including coupon on certain situations.
Fixed issue with text domain of some strings.
Fixed another issue with duplicate coupon codes being allowed to be created.
Fixed issue with duplicate coupon codes being allowed to be created.
Fixed fatal error when plugin is activated without Gravity Forms active.
Fixed issue where existing coupon code was not saved when editing an entry.
Fixed issue with start and expiration date not taking the configured WP timezone into account.
Fixed issue where translations were not being applied on the front end.
Fixed issue with coupon not being applied when form failed validation.
Fixed issue with coupon being marked as "undefined" after a submission when clicking the back browser button.

1.0 | 2014-07-15

Fixed issue with applying fixed amount coupon code with currencies other than US dollar.
Fixed issue where changing an existing coupon from being form specific to 'any form' resulted in an 'Invalid coupon.' message on any form other than the original.

Creating a Feed for the Agile CRM Add-On

Creating a Feed for the Agile CRM Add-On

SummaryCreate a FeedFeed Settings ScreenCreating a New ContactCreating a New TaskConditional Logic

Before the Agile CRM Add-On can be used with Gravity Forms, you will first need to create a feed. A feed simply allows form submission data to be sent to another source. In this instance, contact and task data being sent to Agile CRM.
Create a Feed
To create a feed to Agile CRM using the Agile CRM Add-On for Gravity Forms, do the following from your WordPress Admin Dashboard:

Click on Forms in the left side menu.
Select the form that you want to use with Agile CRM.
Once within your desired form, hover over Settings and click on Agile CRM.
Click Add New to create a new feed. You will be presented with the Agile CRM feed settings screen.

Feed Settings Screen
The following fields are available within the settings screen. Refer to the settings screenshots below.

A Feed Name is required. It is only used for identification and will not be shown anywhere other than your feed listing.
For Action, chose either Create Contact or Create Task. This will define the action that is performed when the feed is triggered by your form.

Creating a New Contact
When Create Contact is chosen as the Action, the Contact Details will display.

Map Fields: Fields accepted by Agile CRM are listed on the left, with form field dropdowns to the right. Use the dropdowns to select the fields within your form that will be used for the corresponding values. Additional fields may also be used when using the left side dropdown.
Tags: Assign any tags that you would like to be associated with this contact. These values are comma separated and accept both static values as well as merge tags to dynamically insert tags based on field values.
Select the checkbox labeled Update Contact if already exists if you would like to update the contact if it already exists in Agile CRM. If selected, an additional dropdown will appear allowing you to either replace existing information or simply append any new data. If this is not selected, an existing client will simply be discarded.

Creating a New Task
When Create Task is chosen as the Action, the Task Details will display.

Define the Subject of the task. This field supports both static values, as well as merge tags to dynamically insert field values.
The Days Until Due field allows you to determine the due date of new tasks submitted. This field requires a numerical value and will set a due date this many days in the future.
Priority: Use the dropdown to set the Priority. Options are High, Normal, and Low.
Status: Use the dropdown to set the Status. Options are Yet To Start, In Progress, and Completed.
Type: Use the dropdown to set the Type. Options are Call, Email, Follow Up, Meeting, Milestone, Send, Tweet, and Other.
Select the checkbox labeled Create Note for Task to create a new note on that task. Additional fields will appear allowing you to set the Note Subject and Note Description. These fields support both static text, as well as merge tags to dynamically generate content based on field submissions.
If the Assign Task to Created Contact checkbox is selected, a contact will be created upon submission and the new task will be assigned to the newly created contact.

Conditional Logic

Conditional Logic: If unchecked, every successful form submission will be sent to Agile CRM. If you wish to set specific conditions for sending form data to Agile CRM, then check the 「Enable」 box and fill out your required criteria.
Click the Update Settings button to save your options.

Create Post with Custom Taxonomy

Create Post with Custom Taxonomy

In this snippet, we will show you how to use the built-in Tags field to create a WordPress post using a non hierarchical custom taxonomy.
123456789101112131415161718192021add_filter( 'gform_post_data', 'replace_tags_with_custom_taxonomy', 10, 2 );function replace_tags_with_custom_taxonomy( $post_data, $form ) {       //only change post type on form id 5    if ( $form['id'] != 5 ) {       return $post_data;    }       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    // Replace my_taxonomy with your custom taxonomy name as defined in your register_taxonomy() function call    $custom_taxonomy = 'my_taxonomy';    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    // Getting tags    $tags = implode( ',', $post_data['tags_input'] );    // Array of taxonomy terms keyed by their taxonomy name.    $post_data['tax_input'] = array( $custom_taxonomy => $tags );    // Set default tags to empty.    $post_data['tags_input'] = null;    // Return modified post data with the custom taxonomy terms added.    return $post_data;}
IMPORTANT: wp_insert_post() WordPress core function, used to create the post, checks the user』s capabilities before adding custom taxonomies. Therefore the above snippet will work only if the user is logged in and have the capability defined in assign_terms of your custom taxonomy definition.
If you need to set the custom taxonomy for not logged visitors, then you would need to use gform_after_submission hook to get the post_id from the entry object and update the post terms using wp_set_object_terms WP core function.

Coupons Feed Meta

Coupons Feed Meta


The Feed Object meta for the Coupons add-on is an associative array containing the properties which determine the type of coupon and discount available.
$feed['meta'] = array(
'gravityForm' => 0,
'couponName' => 'test100',
'couponCode' => 'TEST100',
'couponAmountType' => 'percentage',
'couponAmount' => 100,
'startDate' => '',
'endDate' => '',
'usageLimit' => 20,
'isStackable' => false,
'usageCount' => 2,

We recommend accessing the $feed meta using the rgar() or rgars() functions, e.g.:
$couponCode = rgars( $feed, 'meta/couponCode' );


gravityForm string
The form ID this coupon was created for. An ID of 0 indicates the coupon can be used with ALL forms.

couponName string
The coupon name.

couponCode string
The the value users should enter to apply this coupon to the form total.

couponAmountType string
The coupon amount type. Possible values: flat or percentage.

couponAmount string
The coupon amount.

startDate string
The date when the coupon should start.

endDate string
The date when the coupon should expire.

usageLimit integer
The number of times the coupon can be used.

isStackable boolean
Can this coupon be used in conjunction with another coupon? Default is false.

usageCount integer
The number of times this coupon has been used since the count was last reset.

Creating a Feed for the Campfire Add-On

Creating a Feed for the Campfire Add-On

SummaryCreate a FeedFeed Settings Screen

Before the Campfire Add-On can be used with Gravity Forms, you will first need to create a feed. A feed simply allows form submission data to be sent to another source. In this instance, form data being sent to Campfire.
Create a Feed
To create a feed to Campfire using the Campfire Add-On for Gravity Forms, do the following from your WordPress Admin Dashboard:

Click on Forms in the left side menu.
Select the form that you want to use with Campfire.
Once within your desired form, hover over Settings and click on Campfire.
Click Add New to create a new feed. You will be presented with the Campfire feed settings screen.

Feed Settings Screen
The following fields are available within the settings screen.

A feed Name is required. It is only used for identification and will not be shown anywhere other than your feed listing.
The Campfire Room dropdown allows you to determine what room notifications will be broadcasted in.
Once the room is selected, a Message field will appear. By default, a generic mix of static text and merge tags displays. You may modify this as you see fit.
Select the Highlight Message checkbox to highlight the message for better visibility in chat,
Conditional Logic: If unchecked, every successful form submission will be sent to Campfire. If you wish to set specific conditions for sending form data to Campfire, then check the 「Enable Condition」 box and fill out your required criteria.
Click the Update Settings button to save your options.

Creating Tickets in WSDesk using the Webhooks Add-On

Creating Tickets in WSDesk using the Webhooks Add-On

IntroductionSetting Up the FormConfiguring the WebhookNameRequest URLRequest MethodRequest FormatRequest HeadersRequest BodyField ValuesWebhook ConditionAlternative Method


Using the Gravity Forms Webhooks Add-On is the easiest way to send requests to the WSDesk API to create support tickets when a form is submitted.

Note: This article assumes you have installed and activated the Webhooks Add-On and the WSDesk plugin. If not, you will need to do so before any of the functionality in this article can be used.

Setting Up the Form

Set up your form with the following fields and their labels: Single Line Text – Event Title, Paragraph – Event Description, Checkboxes – Event Options, Date – Start Date and End Date, Time – Start Time and End Time.

For the Checkboxes field, set these as the choices: All Day, Hide From Event Listings, Sticky in Month View, Feature Event

For the Time fields set up the Conditional Logic to Show field if Event Options is not All Day.

Configuring the Webhook

To configure webhooks for a form go to your Form Settings and click on the Webhooks tab and then click the Add New button.

Next, you』ll need to configure the request that is being made.


Enter a name for your feed. This is never displayed and is only used for identification purposes. You can name this anything you want.

Request URL

The WSDesk endpoint for creating tickets is your site』s own Admin Ajax URL. The easiest way to include this URL is to enter the {admin_ajax_url} merge tag. It will be replaced with the correct URL when the feed is processed.

Request Method

Select the POST choice as the request method.

Request Format

Select the FORM choice as the request format.

Request Headers

We won』t be configuring any request headers.

Request Body

Select the Select Fields choice.

Field Values

Configure rows for the following fields, selecting Add Custom Value when configuring their values. Click the add item icon (+) to add new rows.

KeyValueactionwsdesk_api_create_ticketapi_keyThe WSDesk API key from the WSDesk > Settings > General tab

Next, you would configure additionals rows for the ticket fields which you have configured in WSDesk.

Enter the ticket field key (e.g. request_email) in the key input. For the values, you can select from the form fields, entry meta, or Add Custom Value which will display a text input that supports Merge Tags.

Webhook Condition

If ticket creation should be conditional based on the value of a form field, select the Enable Condition checkbox and then configure the rules which should be met for this request to be sent.

Alternative Method

If you don』t have an Elite or legacy Developer license and would prefer not to upgrade your existing license, you can still create tickets in WSDesk by using the gform_after_submission filter in your theme functions.php file or a custom functionality plugin.

See the How to use WSDesk create ticket API with third-party forms and plugins? article by WSDesk for more details.

Create a New Form

Create a New Form

IntroductionCreating a New Form


This short article gives you a quick overview of the Form Editor, which is the primary environment for creating a form with Gravity Forms.

Creating a New Form

Log into your WordPress admin, and look for the Forms menu with the Gravity Forms 「G」 in the left hand navigation area.

Log into your WordPress admin, and look for the Forms menu with the Gravity Forms 「G」 in the left hand navigation area.

Under the Forms item you will see an option that says New Form. Clicking that will it to start the form creation process.

You will then be presented with a dialog box asking for the Title and Description of your new form.

You must give your form a name before you can begin, but you can change that name later if needed. The name is used so you can find your form easily later on.

Once you』ve filled out the field(s), finalize by clicking the Create Form button.

You will now be presented with a blank Form Editor screen, ready for your upcoming Form masterpiece!

Screenshot: The Gravity Forms Form Editor, as shown for a new form.

This article shows the new 「Block Editor」 we introduced in Gravity Forms version 2.5. If your Editor screen looks quite different, it means you are using an older version of Gravity Forms. The fields, settings, operations and terms are basically the same, but you will find that the layout will look quite different. We recommend you update to the most current version, it』s awesome!

Getting to know the Form Editor is covered in our next article.

next article: The Form Editor >