Appearance Tab

Appearance Tab

IntroductionSettingsSource Code

The following settings are available for use on a field』s Appearance tab. The gform_field_appearance_settings hook can also be used to add custom settings at the positions indicated below.
Settings can be enabled for a field which extends the GF_Field class by overriding the get_form_editor_field_settings() method.

Position: 0

The Placeholder setting allows you to define the value of the placeholder attribute for the field input.

Position: 20

The Placeholder setting allows you to define the value of the placeholder attribute for the field textarea.

Position: 50

The Placeholders setting allows you to define the values of the placeholder attributes for the field inputs.

Position: 100

This displays a Field Label Visibility setting (when enabled by the gform_enable_field_label_visibility_settings filter) allowing the field label to be hidden and a Description Placement setting allowing the field description location to be overridden.

Position: 150

The Sub-Label Placement setting allows the sub label position to be overridden or hidden (when enabled by the gform_enable_field_label_visibility_settings filter).

Position: 200

Includes a Custom Validation Message setting enabling the field validation message to be overridden. Note: this does not override the message returned when the field fails no duplicates validation.

Position: 250

The Custom CSS Class setting allows custom css class names to be added to the field container (the li element which contains the field).

Position: 300

Includes a Enable enhanced user interface setting allowing the select element used by the Drop Down and Multi Select fields to be enhanced by the chosen.js script.

Position: 400

The Field Size setting provides a drop down allowing the field size to be set to small, medium, or large.

Source Code
The above settings are located in GFFormDetail::forms_page() in form_detail.php.

Autoresponder (deprecated)

Autoresponder (deprecated)


The AutoResponder object contains the settings for the user』s notification, such as destination email field, email subject and body. It is defined as an associative array.

The AutoResponder object is deprecated as of Gravity Forms 1.7. It is replaced by the Notifications Object.

12$form['autoResponder']['bcc'];     //returns the BCC email address$form['autoResponder']['subjec']; //returns the email subject


toField string
Id of an email field on the form whose value should be used as the destination email address.

from string
If specified, forces the email to be sent from this address. If not specified, the email address configured in WordPress will be used.

replyTo string
Contains the email address to be used as the reply to email address.

bcc string
Contains the email address to be used as the bcc email address.

subject string
Contains the subject of the email.

message string
Contains the body/content of the email.

disableAutoformat boolean
Determines if the email message should be formatted so that paragraphs are automatically added for new lines. 1 disables auto-formatting, 0 enables auto-formatting

Additional Authorize.Net Add-On Requirements

Additional Authorize.Net Add-On Requirements

SummarySSL RequirementPHP cURL ExtensionRequired FieldsFeed

To be able to use the Authorize.Net Add-On for Gravity Forms, there are a few additional requirements beyond those of a normal Add-On:

SSL certificate installed and configured
PHP cURL extension
Required form fields
A working Authorize.Net feed

SSL Requirement
Because of the secure nature of capturing credit card information, the Authorize.Net Add-On requires a SSL certificate to be installed and configured. You will also need to configure your WordPress site to work properly with SSL.
Contact your web host if you need assistance in purchasing and configuring an SSL certificate.
If you need assistance configuring your WordPress site to work, check out the plugin repository for options.
PHP cURL Extension
You will need this installed on your server to facilitate communication with Authorize.Net. Contact your web host for assistance.
Required Fields
The following fields are required to be within your form to properly process payments via Authorize.Net:

Phone Number
Credit Card

Note: When using Page fields to create a multi-page form the Credit Card field should be located on the last page of the form.

In addition to the required fields being present within your form, you will also need to have a feed for the Authorize.Net Add-On to properly send the form submission data to Authorize.Net. Without this, payment data is not sent to Authorize.Net and therefore the payment is not processed.
For more information, take a look at our article on creating a feed for the Authorize.Net Add-On.

Akismet Settings Reference

Akismet Settings Reference

Akismet Site-wide SettingsAkismet Form-level SettingsWhat Happens if I Leave the Akismet Settings blank?

There are two places you can find settings related to the Akismet Add-On.

Site-wide settings are available within the Gravity Forms Settings page, where you should find an Akismet tab within the left hand list.

Form-level settings will be enabled once the site-wide setting is activated, and allow you to make individual form setting decisions for the Akismet Add-On.

Akismet Site-wide Settings

Enabled by default on installation, the Akismet Integration toggle enables or disables Gravity Forms Akismet Add-On across your entire website. If enabled you will be able to view Akismet settings on the individual forms.

Akismet Form-level Settings

Here you can turn off form level Akismet checks, and map your form fields to Akismet fields for passing into the Akismet service for analysis.

SettingDescriptionEnable spam checkThis controls whether Akismet is active for this specific form.First NameSpecify which form field you want to pass as the author first name when sending your form entry data to the Akismet service.Last NameSpecify which form field you want to pass as the author last name when sending your form entry data to the Akismet service.EmailSpecify which form field you want to pass as the email of the comment author.WebsiteSpecify which form field you want to pass as the email of the comment website.SubjectUse the merge tags selector to choose one or more fields to be concatenated and passed as the subject. Will default to the {form_title} merge tag. ContentUse the merge tags selector to choose one or more fields to be concatenated and passed as the content. You can add multiple merge tags for each field by separating them with a comma.

The drop-down field mappings will try to default to the first field of a matching type. The Subject defaults to {form_title} and the Content will attempt to default to the merge tag for a paragraph or post body field.

Embedded forms submitted by logged in users will send the user role to Akismet. Akismet does not mark submissions by administrators as spam.

Data submitted via a Form Preview will be processed by Akismet in test mode to prevent those submissions training the Akismet filters.

What Happens if I Leave the Akismet Settings blank?

When the settings aren』t configured default mappings will be attempted as follows:

The entry creator merge tag will be used to get the first and last name, email, and url of the currently logged in userIf a user is not logged in or they don』t have values saved in those user properties the values from name, email, and website type fields will be usedThe values of the following field types will be sent as the content: address, email, hidden, list, name, number, phone, post_content, post_excerpt, post_tags, post_title, text, textarea, websiteFields with a visibility of administrative will not be used

Setting Up the AWeber Add-On

Setting Up the AWeber Add-On

UsesPre-RequisitesRetrieve AWeber Authorization CodeSetup Your AWeber FeedsReady To Go!

The Gravity Forms AWeber Add-On gives you an easy way to integrate all of your online forms with the AWeber opt-in email marketing service. Collect and add subscribers to your email marketing lists automatically when a form is submitted.

Automatically add subscribers to your email lists when a form is submitted.
Control opt-in and only add subscribers when a certain condition is met.
Automatically sends a double opt-in message to insure only legitimate subscribers are added. (Because the AWeber Add-On uses the API for integration, all submissions will be double opt-in. This is an AWeber restriction.)


Download and install the add-on
An AWeber account

Retrieve AWeber Authorization Code
You will need to retrieve your AWeber Authorization Code to allow Gravity Forms to send data to AWeber. Refer to this article for how to retrieve and enter your authorization code.
Setup Your AWeber Feeds
Now you need to add a feed. Adding an AWeber feed will connect your submitted form data to your AWeber account. For step by step instructions, refer to this article.
Ready To Go!
Now that you have setup an AWeber feed, when the form you selected is submitted, it will automatically send the data you have selected to the AWeber list you have mapped it to. Run a few tests to see it in action!

Authorize.Net Change Log

Authorize.Net Change Log

2.11 | 2021-03-242.10 | 2021-02-102.9 | 2020-09-282.8 | 2020-04-152.7 | 2019-08-072.6 | 2019-06-162.5 | 2018-04-122.4 | 2018-01-292.3 | 2016-09-062.2.2 | 2016-08-302.2.1 | 2016-08-152.2 | 2016-04-

2.11 | 2021-03-24

Fixed a fatal error when using Edit Entry with the GravityView plugin.

2.10 | 2021-02-10

Fixed an issue where duplicate entries can be created when the browser tab is resumed or reloaded when the confirmation message has been displayed.

2.9 | 2020-09-28

Added support for Gravity Forms 2.5.
Fixed an issue with Solution ID when other plugins also use the API.

2.8 | 2020-04-15

Added translations for Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, and Turkish.
Add Solution ID to single transactions.
Fixed a PHP 7.4 notice on the settings page.

2.7 | 2019-08-07

Added security enhancements.
Removed temporary plugin page.

2.6 | 2019-06-16

Updated the SSL certificate for the Authorize.Net SDK.
Updated the text of the Automatic Retry setting.

2.5 | 2018-04-12

Added security enhancements.
Added GPL to plugin header.
Fixed a fatal error which could occur if the subscription object was not returned by the gform_authorizenet_subscription_pre_create or gform_authorizenet_before_start_subscription filters.
Updated Plugin URI and Author URI to use https.

2.4 | 2018-01-29

Added support for Gravity Forms 2.3.
Added "Automatic Retry is turned on in my Authorize.Net account" checkbox to Settings Page. This feature is required for ARB.
Added additional error messages.
Updated "Override Default Settings" so it can be translated.
Fixed an issue with logging a message when the error_message array in the response object was empty.
Fixed strings for translations.
Fixed a test description appearing on the add-on settings page with Gravity Forms 2.2+.

2.3 | 2016-09-06

Added logging statements.
Updated Authorize.Net API library.
Fixed an issue with check_status() not connecting to the correct Authorize.Net account when local api settings differed from main api settings.
Fixed an issue with cancel_subscription() not connecting to the correct Authorize.Net account when local api settings differed from main api settings.
Fixed an issue with the subscription start date not showing the correct date in the entry detail page when the subscription start date is set for a day different than the current day.

2.2.2 | 2016-08-30

Fixed an issue with the subscription object billToAddress property.

2.2.1 | 2016-08-15

Added support for the line item taxable status being set using the gform_submission_data_pre_process_payment filter, e.g. $line_item['taxable'] = 'N'.

2.2 | 2016-04-08

Added logging of response to subscription cancellation request.
Added support for sending notifications on payment/subscription events. Configured on the edit notification page using the 'Event' setting.
Added phone to the billing information fields available for mapping on the feed.
Added Spanish translation (es_ES).
Added logging of api key validation failure.
Updated the gform_authorizenet_transaction_pre_capture, gform_authorizenet_amount_pre_authorize, gform_authorizenet_transaction_pre_capture_setup_fee, and gform_authorizenet_subscription_pre_create filters to include the $entry as an available parameter.
Updated to only add notification events if the form has a relevant feed.
Updated minimum Gravity Forms version to 1.9.12.
Updated to use can_create_feed() to determine if feeds can be created/edited.
Fixed an issue creating the subscription if the form title being assigned to the order description contains special characters.
Fixed an issue with the timestamp for logging statements recorded after the subscription startDate is set.
Fixed PHP notice related to the parameters of the gform_authorizenet_post_capture hook.
Fixed PHP notice which could occur if an authorize and capture transaction failed.
Fixed an issue with check_status() not passing the $action['type'] for use with the related hooks in the framework.
Fixed an issue with a logging statement.
Fixed an issue with the display of the payment details panel on the entry detail page for entries processed by the pre-framework version.
Fixed php notices related to the gform_authorizenet_post_capture hook when running an auth only transaction.
Fixed an issue with the phone field.
Removed potentially sensitive data from logging statements.


Updated logging statements.
Fixed PHP notice when form returns with a validation error.
Fixed an issue with the upgrade routine which could prevent the add-on settings being migrated.


Migration to Add-On Framework.
Updated subscription so that extra "voided" transaction is not created.


Updated POT file.


Added custom validation for the credit card field on cardholder's name.
Added support for Pound Sterling and Euro.
Added hook to allow authorization amount to be changed.
Added ability to cancel product payment capture. This will allow customers that want only the CC authorization process to take place and not the actual payment capture.
Added form title as subscription's order description to be consistent with initial authorize only transaction.
Updated cron to hourly and removed process_renewals() function from init.
Updated credit card number so that spaces are removed prior to sending it to Authorize.Net.
Fixed issue where product names with tab, newlines, and/or return characters would break transaction in Authorize.Net.
Fixed issue where field labels with newlines may break the edit feed UI.
Fixed PHP warnings for some unsaved feed settings.
Fixed issue where setup fee could not have decimal values (i.e. 49.99).
Fixed issue with Manage WP integration.


Added POT file.
Fixed issue with setup() running too late in the process and creating an error when first installed.
Fixed notice.
Fixed issue with subscriptions failing to be cancelled. Subscription id was being recorded in DB with incorrect value (transaction id).


Added hook to allow the entry id to be saved as part of the Authorize.Net transaction, in the Invoice Number field.
add_filter("gform_authorizenet_save_entry_id", "__return_true");
Updated flow so that an authorization is done during validation and the capture operation is done during form submission.
Updated subscription so that trial are captured as part of the recurring profile and not as a separate AIM transaction.
Updated hooks and filters.
Fixed function authorizenet_commit_transaction to return entry object when no transaction response exists so entry is returned to gform_entry_post_save filter, otherwise lead is empty.
Fixed issue with subscriptions failing to be created when only one name is entered in the cardholder name field.


Fixed issue where the "Send Authorize.Net email receipt" setting was not correctly saved to database.


Updated AJAX URL to resolve conflict with sites running under SSL.


Updated transaction response variable so that it is public, making it available during notifications and confirmations.


Added support for Manage WP.
Fixed issue with cancel subscription button not showing up correctly.
Added support for setup fee.
Added support for changing API on a feed by feed basis.
Added some hooks and filters.
Fixed notice messages.
Fixed typo on settings page.


Fixed issue with invoice number exceeding max character limit.


Added support for negative product prices (i.e. discounts).
Added random invoice number to prevent duplicate subscription problem.


Fixed issue with failed transactions due to the length of product names and product descriptions.


Fixed issue with calculation fields not being included in payment info sent to Authorize.Net
Added payment_gateway meta information.
Added new conditional logic options (greater than, less than, contains starts with, ends with) and support for other conditional fields.
Fixed notices.
Fixed setting the payment gateway.
Updated logging to use the GF Logging plugin.
Fixed issue with ARB not sending appropriate address information.


Updated line item logic so that it truncates line item names to 31 characters and descriptions to 255 characters.
Updated verbiage and added tooltips to settings page.


Fixed issue with expiration date being sent with an invalid format.
Fixed issue where product & option fields hidden via conditional logic were being applied to order total.
Fixed issue where product options were not being added to line item product price.


Fixed issue with trial amount not accepting currency symbols.


Added logging functionality to Authorize.Net transactions.
Fixed issue with hidden product field.
Fixed issue with line items not being sent property to Authorize.Net.
Updated request to Authorize.Net so that validate peer is disabled (to help with failed connections).
Updated single product field so that it's quantity is defaulted to 1 when the quantity field is disabled.


Fixed validation issue on multi-page forms.
Added support for multiple feeds to be configured using the same form and executed based on condition.
Fixed issue with validation when credit card field was hidden by conditional logic.


Added ability to specify mode (Production or Test) on settings page.

AWeber Change Log

AWeber Change Log

2.11 | 2020-09-212.10 | 2020-03-112.9 | 2019-08-072.8 | 2018-11-022.7 | 2018-04-022.6 | 2017-10-262.5 | 2017-04-282.4.2 | 2016-11-302.4.1 | 2016-09-022.4 | 2016-07-292.3 | 2015-08-072.2 | 2015-04-202.1 | 2014-11-212.0 | 2014-11-191.4 | 2013-03-051.3 | 2012-06-271.2 | 2012-03-121.1 | 2012-01-18

2.11 | 2020-09-21

Added support for Gravity Forms 2.5.
Fixed an issue where the contact is not created if there are blank tags.

2.10 | 2020-03-11

Added translations for Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, and Turkish.
Fixed PHP 7.4 notices which occur when saving the settings for the first time.

2.9 | 2019-08-07

Added security enhancements.

2.8 | 2018-11-02

Added the filter gform_aweber_app_id enabling the app id used to authorize the add-on with AWeber to be overridden.
Added support for tags.

2.7 | 2018-04-02

Added security enhancements.
Added License GPL to plugin header.
Updated Plugin URI and Author URI to https.

2.6 | 2017-10-26

Updated API library to support PHP 7.

2.5 | 2017-04-28

Added security enhancements.
Added translations.

2.4.2 | 2016-11-30

Fixed strings for translations.

2.4.1 | 2016-09-02

Added the hook gform_aweber_post_subscriber_created

2.4 | 2016-07-29

Updated to support feed duplication with Gravity Forms 1.9.15+.
Updated the choices for the Email Address field to only list email and hidden type form fields.
Fixed an issue with custom fields returned by the AWeber API which don't have labels.
Fixed fatal error which could occur during feed processing if the configured account ID for the feed becomes invalid.
Fixed fatal error which could occur if the configured account ID for the feed becomes invalid.

2.3 | 2015-08-07

Added form and field specific versions of the gform_aweber_field_value filter.
Updated minimum Gravity Forms version to 1.9.3.
Updated feed processing to use GFAddOn::get_field_value(), if available, when retrieving mapped field values.
Updated 'Opt-In Condition' setting label to 'Conditional Logic'.
Fixed an issue with the feed list page if the AWeber auth code was not valid.
Fixed an issue with the upgrade routine which caused it run even if a pre-framework version hadn't been installed.

2.2 | 2015-04-20

Added hook to allow args to be changed before sending submission to AWeber.
add_filter('gform_aweber_args_pre_subscribe', 'add_ip', 10, 4);
function add_ip( $args, $form, $entry, $feed ){
$args['ip_address'] = $entry['ip'];
return $args;
Added support for the middle name input when preparing Name field values.
Updated how Address field values are prepared to also support Gravity Forms 1.9 method for getting country code.
Updated logging statements.
Fixed a low severity security vulnerability in the admin area which could be exploited by authenticated users with form administration permissions.
Fixed issues when upgrading causing feeds not to get created.

2.1 | 2014-11-21

Fixed error when creating new feeds.

2.0 | 2014-11-19

Added integration with Add-On Framework.
Added text domain/path to header.
Added the gform_aweber_field_value filter so the field value can be modified before sending to AWeber.
Updated required version of Gravity Forms to 1.8.17.
Updated POT file.
Updated to not process entries marked as spam.
Fixed an issue where non-string field values would cause the AWeber create subscriber process to fail.

1.4 | 2013-03-05

Added PayPal integration to subscribe user to AWeber only when payment is received.
Updated the AJAX Url to resolve conflicts with sites running over HTTPS.
Fixed issue where spaces after closing php tag caused problems with WP 3.5 release.

1.3 | 2012-06-27

Added logging support.
Added new conditional logic options (greater than, less than, contains starts with, ends with) and support for other conditional fields
Fixed notices.
Fixed issue with API throwing errors on some PHP installations.

1.2 | 2012-03-12

Fixed issue with Full Name field not being sent to AWeber when mapped to custom fields.

1.1 | 2012-01-18

Updated PHP API and using it to subscribe users instead of relying on email
Added support for field mapping
Added hook to allow custom Ad Tracking text to be assigned to the subscriber
add_filter("gform_aweber_ad_tracking", "aweber_ad_tracking", 10, 4); //site wide ad tracking
add_filter("gform_aweber_ad_tracking_20", "aweber_ad_tracking", 10, 4); //form specific ad tracking
function aweber_ad_tracking($ad_tracking, $entry, $form, $feed){
return "Custom Ad Tracking";

IMPORTANT: $_collectionMap property in api/aweber.php line 82 has been made public to resolve errors on some PHP installations. When updating API, make sure to re-apply change.

Authorize.Net Config

Authorize.Net Config

IntroductionUsagePropertiesMeta PropertiesSubscription Transaction Meta PropertiesCustomer Fields Properties

The Authorize.Net Config ($config) is an associative array; it is populated by the properties from the Feed Object. It is used to ensure hooks which were available in the pre-framework versions of the plugin remain backwards compatible, simply making the new Feed Object available to these hooks instead could break existing code.
123456$config = array(    'id'         => 5,    'form_id'    => 10,    'is_active'  => true,    'meta'       => array(),);
We recommend accessing the $config properties using the rgar() or rgars() functions, e.g.:
12$meta = rgar( $config, 'meta' );$conditional_logic_enabled = rgars( $config, 'meta/authorizenet_conditional_enabled' );


id integer
The feed ID.

form_id integer
The form ID this feed was created for.

is_active boolean
Is the feed active or inactive. Default is true.

meta array
Config meta is an associative array. See below for the available properties.

Meta Properties

type string
The type of transaction which should occur when the feed is processed. Possible values: product or subscription.

customer_fields array
An associative array containing the Customer Fields Properties.

enable_receipt boolean
Send Authorize.Net email receipt? Default is false.

api_settings_enabled boolean
Override the default API settings? Default is false.

api_mode string
Which mode should this feed use when overriding the default API settings. Possible values: production or test.

api_login string
The API login ID to use when overriding the default API settings.

api_key string
The API transaction key to use when overriding the default API settings.

authorizenet_conditional_enabled boolean
Is the feed condition (conditional logic) setting enabled. Default is false.

authorizenet_conditional_field_id integer
Target field Id. Field that will have it』s value compared with the authorizenet_conditional_value property to determine if this rule is a match.

authorizenet_conditional_operator string
Operator to be used when evaluating this rule. Possible values: is, isnot, >, <, contains, starts_with, or ends_with. authorizenet_conditional_value string The value to compare with field specified by authorizenet_conditional_field_id. Subscription Transaction Meta Properties The following properties are only applicable when the type is set to subscription. recurring_amount_field string What to use for the recurring amount. Possible values: form_total or a product field ID billing_cycle_number integer How often should the recurring payment occur. Minimum values: 7 days or 1 month. Maximum values: 365 days or 12 months. billing_cycle_type string What unit to use with the billing_cycle_number. Possible values: day or month. recurring_times integer How many times the recurring payment should be made. The default (0) is to bill the customer until the subscription is canceled. setup_fee_enabled boolean Should a setup fee be charged? Default is false. setup_fee_amount_field string The ID of the product field containing the amount the user should be charged for the setup fee. trial_period_enabled boolean Should the recurring charge occur immediately or after a trial period? Default false. trial_period_number integer The duration of the trial. Default value: 1. trial_amount string The amount the user should be charged during the trial if enter_amount is selected for the trial_product. update_post_action string Change the post status when a subscription is canceled? Possible values: draft or delete. Customer Fields Properties email string The ID of the field containing the customer』s email. address1 string The ID of the field containing the first line of the customer』s address. address2 string The ID of the field containing the second line of the customer』s address. city string The ID of the field containing the city of the customer』s address. state string The ID of the field containing the state of the customer』s address. zip string The ID of the field containing the zip of the customer』s address. country string The ID of the field containing the country of the customer』s address.