Section Break CSS Selectors

Section Break CSS Selectors


Wraps the section break elements inside the containing list item

example: section break container (li) – applies to all forms
1body .gform_wrapper .gform_body .gform_fields .gsection {border: 1px solid red}

example: section break container (li) – applies just to form ID #1
1body #gform_wrapper_1 .gform_body .gform_fields .gsection {border: 1px solid red}

example: section break container (li) – applies just to specific section break container (based on the unique parent element ID – replace 「XX_X」 with your actual element ID)
1body .gform_wrapper .gform_body .gform_fields  #field_XX_X.gsection {border: 1px solid red}


example: section break title (h2) – applies to all forms
1body .gform_wrapper .gform_body .gform_fields .gsection .gsection_title {color: red}

example: section break container (li) – applies just to form ID #1
1body #gform_wrapper_1 .gform_body .gform_fields .gsection .gsection_title {color: red}

example: section break container (li) – applies just to specific section break title (based on the unique parent element ID – replace 「XX_X」 with your actual element ID)
1body .gform_wrapper .gform_body .gform_fields  #field_XX_X.gsection .gsection_title {color: red}


example: section break description (div) – applies to all forms
1body .gform_wrapper .gform_body .gform_fields .gsection .gsection_description {border: 1px solid red}

example: section break description (li) – applies just to form ID #1
1body #gform_wrapper_1 .gform_body .gform_fields .gsection .gsection_description {border: 1px solid red}

example: section break description (li) – applies just to specific section break description (based on the unique parent element ID – replace 「XX_X」 with your actual element ID)
1body .gform_wrapper .gform_body .gform_fields  #field_XX_X.gsection .gsection_description {border: 1px solid red}

Sending Form Submission Notifications To Multiple Recipients

Sending Form Submission Notifications To Multiple Recipients

If you have multiple people handling your form submissions, you might need to send a single notification to multiple recipients. Here』s how to configure your notifications in Gravity Forms to send to multiple email recipients.

Access the form notification that you want to send to multiple recipients. From the Forms list page, find your form and hover over Settings. Then click on Notifications.

Hover over the Notification and click Edit.

Scroll down to the Send to Email field and add each email that you want to send the notification to, separated by a comma. For example:

[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

Click the Update Notification button to save your settings.Test your notification.

You can also use merge tags to dynamically generate email addresses based on the form submission. These can be used in combination with email addresses. Make sure to separate the merge tags and email address with commas per usual.

Note: When using a field merge tag in the Send to Email setting, that field should be set as required. If the field doesn』t have a value then the notification would not be sent.

The BCC email field also supports this same functionality. Just set it up the same way you did with the Send to Email field.

Role and Capability Management

Role and Capability Management

Gravity Forms CapabilitiesAdd-On Capabilities2CheckoutActiveCampaignAdvanced Post CreationAgile CRMAkismetAuthorize.NetAWeberBreezeCampaign MonitorCampfireCapsule CRMChained SelectsCleverReachConstant ContactCouponsDropboxEmmaFreshbooksGetResponseHelp ScoutHighriseHubSpotiContactMad MimiMailchimpMailgunMolliePartial EntriesPayPal CheckoutPayPal StandardPayPal Payments ProPayPal ProPipePollsPostmarkQuizreCAPTCHASlackSendGridSquareStripeSurveyTrelloTwilioUser RegistrationWebhooksZapierZoho CRM

Gravity Forms introduces new capabilities to the WordPress Role system. These capabilities are only manageable via a plugin that makes use of the WordPress Role Management system.

We recommend using the Members plugin for role management.

The User Role Editor plugin can also be used but does not list the capabilities unless they have already been granted to at least one user or role.

Gravity Forms consists of the following capabilities that can be controlled via role management.

Gravity Forms Capabilities

CapabilityLabelgravityforms_create_formCreate Formsgravityforms_delete_formsDelete Formsgravityforms_edit_formsEdit Formsgravityforms_preview_formsPreview Formsgravityforms_view_entriesView Entriesgravityforms_edit_entriesEdit Entriesgravityforms_delete_entriesDelete Entriesgravityforms_view_entry_notesView Entry Notesgravityforms_edit_entry_notesEdit Entry Notesgravityforms_export_entriesImport/Exportgravityforms_view_settingsView Plugin Settingsgravityforms_edit_settingsEdit Plugin Settingsgravityforms_view_updatesManage Updatesgravityforms_view_addonsManage Add-Onsgravityforms_system_statusView System Statusgravityforms_uninstallUninstall Gravity Formsgravityforms_loggingLogging Settingsgravityforms_api_settingsREST API Settings

Add-On Capabilities


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_2checkout2Checkout: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_2checkout_uninstall2Checkout: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_activecampaignActiveCampaign: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_activecampaign_uninstallActiveCampaign: Uninstall

Advanced Post Creation

CapabilityLabelgravityforms_advancedpostcreationPost Creation: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_advancedpostcreation_uninstallPost Creation: Uninstall

Agile CRM

CapabilityLabelgravityforms_agilecrmAgile CRM: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_agilecrm_uninstallAgile CRM: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_akismetAkismet: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_akismet_uninstallAkismet: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_authorizenetAuthorize.Net: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_authorizenet_uninstallAuthorize.Net: Uninstallgravityforms_authorizenet_plugin_pageAuthorize.Net: Add-On Page


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_aweberAWeber: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_aweber_uninstallAWeber: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_breezeBreeze: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_breeze_uninstallBreeze: Uninstall

Campaign Monitor

CapabilityLabelgravityforms_campaignmonitorCampaign Monitor: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_campaignmonitor_uninstallCampaign Monitor: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_campfireCampfire: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_campfire_uninstallCampfire: Uninstall

Capsule CRM

CapabilityLabelgravityforms_capsulecrmCapsule CRM: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_capsulecrm_uninstallCapsule CRM: Uninstall

Chained Selects

CapabilityLabelgravityforms_chainedselectsChained Selects: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_chainedselects_uninstallChained Selects: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_cleverreachCleverReach: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_cleverreach_uninstallCleverReach: Uninstall

Constant Contact

CapabilityLabelgravityforms_constantcontactConstant Contact: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_constantcontact_uninstallConstant Contact: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_couponsCoupons: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_coupons_uninstallCoupons: Uninstallgravityforms_coupons_plugin_pageCoupons: Add-On Page


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_dropboxDropbox: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_dropbox_uninstallDropbox: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_emmaEmma: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_emma_uninstallEmma: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_freshbooksFreshbooks: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_freshbooks_uninstallFreshbooks: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_getresponseGetResponse: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_getresponse_uninstallGetResponse: Uninstall

Help Scout

CapabilityLabelgravityforms_helpscoutHelp Scout: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_helpscout_uninstallHelp Scout: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_highriseHighrise: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_highrise_uninstallHighrise: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_hubspotHubSpot: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_hubspot_uninstallHubSpot: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_icontactiContact: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_icontact_uninstalliContact: Uninstall

Mad Mimi

CapabilityLabelgravityforms_madmimiMad Mimi: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_madmimi_uninstallMad Mimi: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_mailchimpMailChimp: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_mailchimp_uninstallMailChimp: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_mailgunMailgun: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_mailgun_uninstallMailgun: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_mollieMollie: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_mollie_uninstallMollie: Uninstall

Partial Entries

CapabilityLabelgravityformspartialentries_form_settingsPartial Entries: Form Settingsgravityformspartialentries_uninstallPartial Entries: Uninstallgravityformspartialentries_settingsPartial Entries: Add-On Settings

PayPal Checkout

CapabilityLabelgravityforms_ppcpPayPal Checkout: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_ppcp_uninstallPayPal Checkout: Uninstall

PayPal Standard

CapabilityLabelgravityforms_paypalPayPal: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_paypal_uninstallPayPal: Uninstall

PayPal Payments Pro

CapabilityLabelgravityforms_paypalpaymentsproPayPal Payments Pro: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_paypalpaymentspro_uninstallPayPal Payments Pro: Uninstall

PayPal Pro

CapabilityLabelgravityforms_paypalproPayPal Pro: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_paypalpro_uninstallPayPal Pro: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_pipePipe: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_pipe_uninstallPipe: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_polls_form_settingsPolls: Form Settingsgravityforms_polls_uninstallPolls: Uninstallgravityforms_polls_settingsPolls: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_polls_resultsPolls: Poll Results


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_postmarkPostmark: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_postmark_uninstallPostmark: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_quiz_form_settingsQuiz: Form Settingsgravityforms_campfire_uninstallQuiz: Uninstallgravityforms_quiz_settingsQuiz: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_quiz_resultsQuiz: Quiz Results


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_recaptchareCAPTCHA: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_recaptcha_uninstallreCAPTCHA: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_slackSlack: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_slack_uninstallSlack: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_sendgridSendGrid: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_sendgrid_uninstallSendGrid: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_squareSquare: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_square_uninstallSquare: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_stripeStripe: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_stripe_uninstallStripe: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_surveySurvey: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_survey_uninstallSurvey: Uninstallgravityforms_survey_resultsSurvey: Survey Results


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_trelloTrello: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_trello_uninstallTrello: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_twilioTwilio: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_twilio_uninstallTwilio: Uninstall

User Registration

CapabilityLabelgravityforms_user_registrationUser Registration: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_user_registration_uninstallUser Registration: Uninstallpromote_users or gravityforms_user_registrationUser Registration: Add-On Settings (Pending Activations page)


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_webhooksWebhooks: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_webhooks_uninstallWebhooks: Uninstall


CapabilityLabelgravityforms_zapierZapier: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_zapier_uninstallZapier: Uninstall

Zoho CRM

CapabilityLabelgravityforms_zohocrmZoho CRM: Add-On Settingsgravityforms_zohocrm_uninstallZoho CRM: Uninstall

Sending Form Notifications Using Mailgun

Sending Form Notifications Using Mailgun

Pre-RequisitesConfiguring Notifications

Do you need to use Mailgun to send your form notifications? Here』s how to do it using Gravity Forms and the Mailgun Add-On.


Setup the Mailgun add-on

Configuring Notifications

Now that you』ve set up your initial settings within the Mailgun Add-On, it』s time to configure your form notifications to send using Mailgun.

Access an existing form notification or create a new notification by going to your form settings and clicking on Notifications.Within your notification, you should see a setting labeled Email Service. Within this setting, select the Mailgun option.You can now continue setting up your notification like usual. For more information, see our article on configuring notifications in Gravity Forms.

Once you』re done with putting your settings in place, be sure to save them!

In addition to the standard functionality of sending notifications, the Mailgun Add-On also includes additional email tracking features. For more information on email tracking, see our article on tracking notifications with Mailgun.



DescriptionUsageParametersReturnsExamplesSource Code

Checks if a variable contains a string.
rgblank( $text );


$text string
Text string to check.


$result bool
False if it is a string, true otherwise.

$text = 'This is a string';
rgblank( $text );

Source Code
This function is located in gravityforms.php

Setting Up the Slack Add-On

Setting Up the Slack Add-On

Pre-RequisitesSetupAdditional Notes


Download and install the add-on
A Slack account


Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.
On the left side navigation menu, hover over Forms and click on Settings.
From this page, click the Slack tab.
Click the button labeled Connect to Slack to begin authorizing the Slack add-on.
You will be sent to the Slack website and prompted to authorize the application to your organization. Click Authorize. You will be sent back to your site, and Gravity Forms should display that the authorization is complete.

Once you have authorized the add-on, you』re ready to begin creating a feed for the Slack Add-On.
Additional Notes
If you are not Authorized to the correct Slack Organization when you are Redirected to Slack or when you』re looking at the Slack Authorization Dialogue, you may need to Sign into another Workspace. In the upper right hand portion of the Slack website, select the Workspace for a drop-down dialog allowing you to Sign into another Workspace.

Refunds in PayPal Checkout

Refunds in PayPal Checkout

Initiating A Refund

Initiating A Refund
Refunds are handled from the Entry Detail screen.
If an entry has a status of Paid, it will also display a Refund Payment button in the Payment Details section of the entry detail. Clicking that button will initiate the refund process within your PayPal account, and the entry will be updated with details about the refund.

Reviewing Entries (Form Submissions)

Reviewing Entries (Form Submissions)

Accessing EntriesFiltering EntriesExporting/Importing Form Submissions

When a form is submitted, typically you will be notified via the notification system. If you need to review submissions outside of email, Gravity Forms collects all submissions within your WordPress admin dashboard.

In this article, we will show you how to review the submissions that arrive from your forms, referred to as 「Entries」.

Accessing Entries

Within your WordPress admin dashboard, click on Forms in the left side navigation menu.You should now see a list of all forms. To access the submissions for a form, hover over the form you want to access, and click on Entries.You should now see a list of all form submissions listed on the Entry list page.To view the details of a form submission, click on the specific entry.

Filtering Entries

When reviewing form submissions, it is also possible to filter them to get the exact data you』re looking for. This is especially helpful if you have a large number of submissions over time.

To filter, use the drop downs and text field at the top right.

Exporting/Importing Form Submissions

For instructions on how to export form submissions, please see the Exporting Form Entries article.

In order to import entries without form submission you will need a third party add-on. Refer to the Gravity Forms Community Add-Ons page for a list of add-ons supported by third party contributors.

Troubleshoot/Resolve Issues with Gravity Forms Entry Exports

Troubleshoot/Resolve Issues with Gravity Forms Entry Exports

Test for a conflictIncrease available PHP memoryIncrease the PHP max execution timeMake multiple smaller exportsCheck permissions and ownershipThe sanitize_file_name filter

At times, some users may experience issues when attempting to export entries. These issues are typically caused by theme/plugin conflicts or settings defined by the web host. In this article, we will provide a few possible solutions to this problem.
Test for a conflict
Entry exports use Ajax requests to get the fields for the selected form and then export the entries for the selected fields in batches. If there are any JavaScript errors present on the page due to a conflicting theme or plugin that can prevent the export from functioning correctly. You』ll want to perform a full theme and plugin conflict test.
Increase available PHP memory
Many times, the issue is caused by the maximum memory available to PHP scripts on your web hosts. With some hosts, you may be able to increase this on your own. While this can vary based on your specific web hosts, it usually involves editing a php.ini file as well as your wp-config.php file.
Increasing Your PHP Memory Limits
Increase the PHP max execution time
In addition to running out of available memory caused by large amounts of data being exported, it』s also possible that the export takes longer than allowed by PHP. When this occurs, the process stops running and the export will fail. One of the following may solve the problem for you.
Increasing Your PHP Max Execution Time
Make multiple smaller exports
Sometimes, the best solutions is to just export less data. The more data being exported, the more time and resources it is going to take to be able to process it. Selecting multiple smaller date ranges will allow you to export the same amount of data, but in smaller chunks at a time.
For more information on selecting date ranges in your entry exports, review our article on exporting form entries.
Check permissions and ownership
Gravity Forms will ask WordPress to use /wp-content/uploads/gravity_forms/export/ folder to generate your export file, if permissions or ownership of this folder is not correctly set to allow WordPress write files into it, the export will fail. Check the Troubleshooting and fixing 「Upload folder is not writable」 Errors doc page for more details.
The sanitize_file_name filter
In some cases usage of the WordPress sanitize_file_name filter in the theme or another plugin can cause an empty .csv file download. This usually happens when the filter is using the PHP uniqid() function to return a unique filename, this can result in the name of the temporary .csv file not matching the name the downloader is looking for.
You can prevent the filter overriding the csv export filename by including something like the following at the start of the function hooked to the filter.
function your_function_name( $filename ) {
if ( strpos( $filename, 'export-' ) !== false ) {
return $filename;
// override the filename

Refunds in the Square Add-On

Refunds in the Square Add-On

Initiating a RefundNotification on Refund

Initiating a Refund
You can initiate a refund from within your form entries for the Square Add-On. Any entry which has collected payment (has a status of Paid), will display a Refund Payment option in the Payment Details section of the entry detail.
Clicking that button will refund the payment (via your Square service) and then update the screen with details about the pending refund.

Notification on Refund
If you have the Square Add-On installed, then notifications can be sent on the event of Payment Authorized, Payment Capture Failed, and Payment Refunded.