Creating a Feed for the Slack Add-On

Creating a Feed for the Slack Add-On

SummaryCreate a FeedFeed Settings ScreenSending MessagesTeam Invites (deprecated)Other Settings

Before the Slack Add-On can be used with Gravity Forms, you will first need to create a feed. A feed simply allows form submission data to be sent to another source. In this instance, form data being sent to Slack.
Create a Feed
To create a feed to Slack using the Slack Add-On for Gravity Forms, do the following from your WordPress Admin Dashboard:

Click on Forms in the left side menu.
Select the form that you want to use with Slack.
Once within your desired form, hover over Settings and click on Slack.
Click Add New to create a new feed. You will be presented with the Slack feed settings screen.

Feed Settings Screen
The following fields are available within the settings screen. Refer to the settings screenshots below.

A feed Name is required. It is only used for identification and will not be shown anywhere other than your feed listing.
For Action, chose either Send Message and Invite to Team. The feed can be configured to either send a message inside Slack or invite a user to a Slack team.

Sending Messages
When Send Message is chosen as the Action, the following settings will display:

Send To: Based on your selection here, you will be able to send the triggered message to a channel, group, or individual.
Slack Channel: Select the specific channel, group, or individual that the message should be sent to. Use this drop down to select your desired destination. If you want it to go to multiple selections, you can simply create additional feeds.
The Message setting determines the content of the message that will be sent by the feed. Within this box, enter any text you would like to be within the message. This text area also supports the use of merge tags to dynamically generate content.

Team Invites (deprecated)
This feature was deprecated with Slack』s adoption of their new API, the deprecation of their legacy API, and version 1.13 of our Add-On. Refer to this article for more information.
Team invites are only available if your Slack user is an administrator on the Slack channel associated with your key. If you are not an administrator, this option will not appear.
When Invite to Team is chosen as the Action, the following settings will display:

Use the Email Address dropdown to select the field that contains the email address the invite will be sent to.
First Name: Use the dropdown to select the field within your form that will be used for the corresponding value.
Last Name: Use the dropdown to select the field within your form that will be used for the corresponding value.
Slack Channels: Select the channel that the message should be sent to.
Slack User: Use this drop down to select the user that the message should be sent to.
The Message setting determines the content of the message that will be sent by the feed. Within this box, enter any text you would like to be within the message. This text area also supports the use of merge tags to dynamically generate content.

Other Settings

Image Attachments: Select which file upload fields will be attached to the Slack message. Only image files will be attached.
Conditional Logic: If unchecked, every successful form submission will be sent to Slack. If you wish to set specific conditions for sending form data to Slack, then check the 「Enable」 box and fill out your required criteria.
Click the Update Settings button to save your options.


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