Displaying a Form Within a Modal/Popup/Lightbox

Displaying a Form Within a Modal/Popup/Lightbox

IntroductionObtain the Popup Maker pluginEmbed your Form

Note: This tutorial is provided as a suggestion only. We do not support third party solutions. If you have any troulbe using Popup Maker, please contact with its author.


Sometimes you may want to display your form within a box that will display over the current page. This is especially handy when encouraging newsletter signups on your site. In this article, we will show you how to embed any forms made with Gravity Forms into a popup window in just a few steps using a third-party plugin.

Obtain the Popup Maker plugin

The easiest way to create a popup window and embed Gravity Forms into it is to do so using the Popup Maker plugin. Simply download and install the Popup Maker plugin either from within your WordPress admin dashboard or manually.

Embed your Form

To embed your form, it』s as simple as creating a new popup, and embedding your form just as you would any other post or page. To do so, simply click the Add Form button.

When embedding your form, ensure that AJAX is enabled to avoid the page refreshing. To do so, either use the Enable AJAX checkbox when adding a form using the button, or add ajax=」true」 to your Gravity Forms embed shortcode.

¿Need more help creating your popup? Please contact the Popup Maker author for further assistance and tips.


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