General Tab

General Tab

IntroductionSettingsSource Code

The following settings are available for use on a field』s General tab. The gform_field_standard_settings hook can also be used to add custom settings at the positions indicated below.
Settings can be enabled for a field which extends the GF_Field class by overriding the get_form_editor_field_settings() method.

Position: 0

The Field Label setting allows the user to define a label for the field.

Position: 10

The Description setting allows the user to define the field description.

Position: 20

The Product Field Mapping setting allows the user to select which Product field the current Option field is associated with.

Position: 25

The Field Type setting allowing the product field to be set to a specific type: Single Product, Drop Down, Radio Buttons, User Defined Price, Hidden, or Calculation.

Position: 37

The Field Type setting allowing the Shipping field to be set to a specific type: Single Method, Drop Down, Radio Button.

Position: 50

The Price setting allows the user to specify the product』s base price.

Position: 75

The Disable quantity field setting allows the user to remove the quantity input from the field displayed on the front-end. A default value of 1 will be used, unless a separate Quantity field is added.

Position: 100

The Field Type setting allowing the Option field to be set to a specific type: Drop Down, Checkboxes, or Radio Buttons.

Position: 125

donation_field_type_setting – Deprecated
The Field Type setting allowing the donation field to be set to a specific type: Drop Down, Radio Buttons, or User Defined Price.

Position: 150

The Field Type setting allowing the quantity field to be set to a specific type: Number, Drop Down, or Hidden.

Position: 200

The Content setting allows the user to enter HTML or text to be displayed for the field.

Position: 225

The Next Button settings allow different button text or a custom image to be used for the button.

Position: 237

The Previous Button settings allow different button text or a custom image to be used for the button.

Position: 250

The Disable default margins setting allows the content margins to be set to align the content with other fields.

Position: 300

The Field Type setting allowing the Post Custom field to be set to a specific type: Single line text, Paragraph Text, Drop Down, Multi Select, Number, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Hidden, Date, Time, Phone, Website, Email, File Upload, or List.

Position: 350

The Field Type setting allowing the Post tags field to be set to a specific type: Single line text, Drop Down, Checkboxes, or Radio Buttons.

Position: 400

The Type setting allowing the Captcha field to be set to a specific type: reCAPTCHA, Really Simple CAPTCHA, or Math Challenge.

Position: 450

The Size setting allowing the Captcha field size to be set to Small, Medium, or Large.

Position: 500

The Font Color setting allowing the Captcha fields font colour to be configured using a color picker or by entering the hex code.

Position: 550

The Background Color setting allowing the Captcha fields background colour to be configured using a color picker or by entering the hex code.

Position: 600

The Theme setting allow the Captcha fields theme to be set to light or dark.

Position: 650

The Custom Field Name setting allowing the user to specify which custom field the submitted value should be stored in.

Position: 700

The Post Status setting allowing the user to specify what status the post created from the form submission should be assigned: Draft, Pending Review, or Published.

Position: 750

The Default Post Author setting which determines which user should be set as the post author.

Position: 775

The Post Format setting which can be used to specify which post format will be used for the post that is created by the form entry.

Position: 800

The Post Category setting used to define which category the post created from the form submission should be assigned to.

Position: 825

The Field Type setting allowing the Post Category field to be set to a specific type: Drop Down, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, or Multi Select.

Position: 850

The Category setting defines which categories are available for selection by the user. They can choose to display all of them or select individual ones.

Position: 875

The Display placeholder settings enables a placeholder to be configured for the Post Category field.

Position: 900

The Create content template setting provides a way for a template to be defined for the post content.

Position: 950

The Create content template setting provides a way for a template to be defined for the post title.

Position: 975

The Create content template setting provides a way for a template to be defined for the post custom field.

Position: 1000

The Image Metadata settings are used to enable inputs for the image title, caption and description on the Post Image field.

Position: 1025

The Set as Featured Image setting allows the file uploaded via the Post Image field to be set as the post』s featured image.

Position: 1050

This includes the Address Type setting, input sub-labels, the ability to show/hide the individual inputs, Default Country (if International type is chosen), Default State (if United States is chosen), Default Province (if Canadian is chosen).

Position: 1100

name_format_setting – Deprecated
The Name Format setting provides the ability to change the Name field configuration from advanced to extended.

Position: 1125

The Name Fields settings allow the individual field inputs to be enabled/disabled and the sub-labels configured.

Position: 1150

The Date Input Type setting provides a drop down allowing the field to be configured as Date Field, Date Picker, or Date Drop Down.

Position: 1200

The Date Format setting provides a list of available date formats from which to choose.

Position: 1225

The Customize Fields settings provide a way to customize the input sub-labels and enabled/disable the inputs.

Position: 1250

The Allowed file extensions setting allows the file extensions which can be uploaded via the file upload field to be restricted.

Position: 1260

The Enable Multi-File Upload setting determines if the field should use a single file type input or if the plupload scripts should be used to enable multiple files to be uploaded. When enabled you will also be able to limit the number of files which can be uploaded using the field.

Position: 1267

The Maximum File Size setting enables the size of files uploaded using the File Upload field to be limited.

Position: 1275

The Enable multiple columns setting is used with the List field to allow multiple columns to be configured instead of the default single column.

Position: 1287

The Maximum Rows setting enables the number of rows the user can dynamically add to the front-end List field to be limited.

Position: 1300

The Time Format setting allows the field to be set to use the 12 or 24 hour format.

Position: 1325

The Phone Format setting allows the Phone field format to be configured. The default formats are (###) ###-#### (standard) and International. The gform_phone_formats filter can be used to add additional formats.

Position: 1350

This setting allows you to customize the fields available choices, their values and if relevant their prices. It also allows you to choose from a predefined set of data. Without this section, the field is limited to the default choices of 「First Choice」, 「Second Choice」 and 「Third Choice」.

Position: 1362

The Enable 「other」 choice setting can be used to add a final choice to the radio button field with a text input allowing the user to enter their own custom choice text.

Position: 1368

The Enable Email Confirmation setting allows a second email input to be displayed for confirmation, and also allows custom labels to be configured for each input.

Position: 1375

The Enable Password Strength setting enables a drop down to be displayed allowing the password fields minimum strength to be set.

Position: 1387

The Password fields Minimum Strength drop down will be located here.

Position: 1400

The Number Format setting provides a drop down allowing the format to be set to decimal_dot, decimal_comma, or currency.

Position: 1415

The Sub-Labels setting enables the labels for the fields individual inputs to be configured.

Position: 1425

Position: 1430

The Supported Credit Cards setting provides checkboxes for each of the available credit card types allowing the field validation to be configured to only allow certain types.

Position: 1435

The Card Icon Style setting provides a drop down allowing the icon style to be set to use the standard icons or the 3D icons.

Position: 1440

The Input Mask setting allows you to provide a visual guide allowing users to more easily enter data in a specific format such as dates and phone numbers.

Position: 1450

The Maximum Characters setting allows you to limit the maximum number of characters which can be entered in a text input or textarea.

Position: 1500

The Range setting provides inputs allowing the minimum and maximum values for a number field to be defined.

Position: 1550

This setting provides a way to enable calculation support for the field and the calculation formula to be defined.

Position: 1600

The Rules settings allow the field to be set as required and the duplicate_setting to be made available.

The No Duplicates setting allows the no duplicates validation to be enabled for the field.

Position: -1

Source Code
The above settings are located in GFFormDetail::forms_page() in form_detail.php.


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