Obtaining Your Postmark API Keys

Obtaining Your Postmark API Keys

To use the Postmark Add-On, you』ll need to have your Postmark API keys. Postmark won』t know what account is yours without the appropriate API keys. In this article, we』ll show you how to get your Postmark API keys.

Log into your Postmark account.
Click on Account at the top of the page.
Under Account, click on the API Tokens tab.
You』ll need both an Account API token and Server API token. The Account API token is listed here, so take note of it.
To get your Server API token, start typing the name of your Postmark server in the right side search box labeled Search for server and click on the server when it appears. Then click the Get a server API token button.
A new page will load and you will be presented with your Server API token.

Now that you have your Account API and Server API tokens, you』re ready to continue setting up the Postmark Add-On or start sending form notifications using Postmark.


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