DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesChange Email Opt OutPlacementSource Code
This filter can be used to modify the contact arguments before they are sent to Zoho CRM.
The following would apply to all feeds:
1add_filter( 'gform_zohocrm_contact', 'your_function_name', 10, 4 );
To target feeds for a specific form append the form id to the hook name. (format: gform_zohocrm_contact_FORMID)
1add_filter( 'gform_zohocrm_contact_4', 'your_function_name', 10, 4 );
$contact array
The contact arguments are an associative array.
1234567891011array( 'Email Opt Out' => 'false', 'Description' => 'some text', 'Lead Source' => 'Advertisement', 'SMOWNERID' => 'The-Zoho-CRM-User-ID-Here', 'options' => array( 'duplicateCheck' => '1', 'isApproval' => 'false', 'wfTrigger' => 'false' ),)
$feed Feed Object
The feed currently being processed.
$entry Entry Object
The entry currently being processed.
$form Form Object
The form currently being processed.
Change Email Opt Out
This example shows how you can change the 『Email Opt Out』 setting based on a field value in the Entry Object.
12345678add_filter( 'gform_zohocrm_contact_4', 'change_contact_argument', 10, 4 );function change_contact_argument( $contact, $feed, $entry, $form ) { if ( rgars( $feed, 'meta/feedName') == 'Zoho CRM Feed 2' && rgar( $entry, '5' ) == 'No' ) { $contact['Email Opt Out'] = 'true'; } return $contact;}
This code should be placed in the functions.php file of your active theme.
Source Code
1gf_apply_filters( 'gform_zohocrm_contact', $form['id'], $contact, $feed, $entry, $form )
This filter is located in GFZohoCRM::create_contact() in class-gf-zohocrm.php.