CompatibilityReporting IssuesKnown IssuesUpdates
PHP 8.0 is a major new release of the PHP language with many changes.
WordPress is working towards full compatibility with PHP 8.0, but has ascertained a 「beta-compatible」 status. With that, the Gravity Forms product team are also working on compatiblity tests and fixes for any issues found.
At this point, we do not consider Gravity Forms to be proven compatible, and are working towards discovering and resolving issues across all our core and add-on products.
Reporting Issues
If you think you have discovered a PHP 8 related issue with a Gravity Forms product in your own testing, please let us know by contacting Support. Thank you for contributing!
Known Issues
The following issues are known to the team:
version_compare() fatal error in gravityforms.php – Fixed in 2.4.23.Unknown named parameter fatal error in class-gf-addon.php when enqueueing scripts – Fixed in 2.4.23.Multiple 「required parameters following optional parameter」 deprecation notices in Gravity Forms core and add-ons. – Fixed in 2.5 and various add-on updatesusort() returning bool from comparison function is deprecated notice in form_list.php – Fixed in 2.4.23.
This article will be updated to show the status of known issues, compatibility testing, and to identify expected releases for fixes.