Including Scripts and Styles when Using the Add-On Framework

Including Scripts and Styles when Using the Add-On Framework

IntroductionScriptsScripts ExampleStylesStyles ExampleEnqueue Conditions

Scripts and styles can be included for an add-on by overriding the scripts() and styles() functions with structured arrays. All scripts and styles will be added automatically to the Gravity Forms no-conflict mode whitelist.
The scripts() function must return an associative array with the following properties:

handle string
The script will be registered with WordPress using this handle.

src string
The URL of the script.

version string
The version number to be added to the query parameters for cache busting. Set to null to disable.

deps array
An array of handles for scripts which are required before this script is loaded.

in_footer boolean
Determines if the scripts will be enqueued in the footer.

callback array
Function that is called when the script is enqueued.

strings array
An array of strings that can be accessed in JavaScript through the global variable [script handle]_strings.

enqueue array
An array of conditions for loading the script. See Enqueue Conditions.

Important: When overriding this function, be sure to call parent::scripts() to ensure the base class scripts are enqueued.

Scripts Example
12345678910111213141516171819202122232425public function scripts() {    $scripts = array(        array(            'handle'    => 'my_script_js',            'src'       => $this->get_base_url() . '/js/my_script.js',            'version'   => $this->_version,            'deps'      => array( 'jquery' ),            'in_footer' => false,            'callback'  => array( $this, 'localize_scripts' ),            'strings'   => array(                'first'  => __( 'First Choice', 'simpleaddon' ),                'second' => __( 'Second Choice', 'simpleaddon' ),                'third'  => __( 'Third Choice', 'simpleaddon' )            ),            'enqueue'   => array(                array(                    'admin_page' => array( 'form_settings' ),                    'tab'        => 'simpleaddon'                )            )        ),    );     return array_merge( parent::scripts(), $scripts );}
The styles() function must return an associative array with the following properties:

handle string
The CSS file will be registered with WordPress using this handle.

src string
The URL of the CSS file.

version string
The version number to be added to the query parameters for cache busting. Set to null to disable.

deps array
An array of handles for scripts which are required before this script is loaded.

media string
The media for which this stylesheet has been defined.

enqueue array
An array of conditions for loading the css file. See Enqueue Conditions.

Important: When overriding this function, be sure to call parent::styles() to ensure the base class scripts are enqueued.

Styles Example
1234567891011121314public function styles() {    $styles = array(        array(            'handle'  => 'my_styles_css',            'src'     => $this->get_base_url() . '/css/my_styles.css',            'version' => $this->_version,            'enqueue' => array(                array( 'field_types' => array( 'poll' ) )            )        )    );     return array_merge( parent::styles(), $styles );}
Enqueue Conditions
Scripts and styles should always be loaded only when needed. The Add-On Framework provides a simple way to configure this for each of the JavaScript and CSS files. When overriding scripts() and styles() be sure to include the 「enqueue」 array with any or all of the following properties:

callback array
Function that is called to determine if the script or stylesheet can be enqueued.
1array( $this, 'requires_script' )

admin_page array
Specify one or more pages (known pages) where the script is supposed to be enqueued. When this setting is specified, scripts will only be enqueued in those pages. Possible values: form_editor, form_settings, plugin_settings, plugin_page, entry_view, entry_detail, results.
1array( 'admin_page' => array( 'form_settings', 'plugin_settings' ) )

tab array
Specifies a form settings or plugin settings tab in which the script is supposed to be enqueued. If none is specified, the script will be enqueued in all of the form settings or plugin_settings pages.
1array( 'tab' => 'signature' )

query string
Specifies a set of query string ($_GET) values. If all specified query string values match the current requested page, the script will be enqueued. Note that _empty_ and _notempty_ can be used as 「smart」 values.
1array( 'query' => 'page=gf_edit_forms&view=settings&id=_notempty_' )

post string
Specifies a set of post ($_POST) values. If all specified posted values match the current request, the script will be enqueued.
1array( 'post' => 'posted_field=val' )

field_types array
Specifies one or more field types that requires this script. The script will only be enqueued if the current form has a field of any of the specified field types. Only applies when a current form is available.
1array( 'field_types' => array( 'signature' ) )


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