IntroductionNative (Code) SolutionThird Party Plugin Solution
Sometimes making a field read-only can be useful, allowing you to then utilize that field for dynamic display of various messages. If you want to change a field to be read-only, you currently need to use JavaScript to do so. The following filter and function will help you accomplish this.
Native (Code) Solution
First, you will need to add a custom class to your field to easily target the field. In this tutorial, we will be using a class name of gf_readonly to correctly target the field, but you can modify the code example in the next step to use a custom class if you prefer to do so.
Then, you will need to apply the readonly attribute to your field. To do so, you will use JavaScript to target the field. The examples below can be placed within your active theme』s functions.php file or within a functionality plugin.
Targeting a Paragraph Text field
// update '1' to the ID of your formadd_filter( 'gform_pre_render_1', 'add_readonly_script' );function add_readonly_script( $form ) { ?>