PayPal Standard Feed Meta

PayPal Standard Feed Meta

IntroductionUsagePropertiesProduct or Donation Transaction PropertiesSubscription Transaction PropertiesDelayed Payment Properties

The Feed Object meta for the PayPal Standard add-on is an associative array containing the properties which determine what type of transaction should occur and what values are sent to PayPal.
12345678910$feed['meta'] = array(    'feedName'                                => 'Your Feed Name',    'paypalEmail'                             => '[email protected]',    'mode'                                    => 'test',    'transactionType'                         => 'product',    'feed_condition_conditional_logic'        => true,    'feed_condition_conditional_logic_object' => array(        'conditionalLogic' => array(),    ),);
We recommend accessing the $feed meta using the rgar() or rgars() function, e.g.:
1$conditional_logic_enabled = rgars( $feed, 'meta/feed_condition_conditional_logic' );


feedName string
The feed name which appears on the add-ons feeds tab.

paypalEmail string
The PayPal email address where payment should be received.

mode string
Determines if the PayPal development sandbox should be used when testing or if live payments should be received. Possible values: production or test.

transactionType string
The type of transaction which should occur when the feed is processed. Possible values: product, subscription or donation.

billingInformation_firstName string
The ID of the field containing the customer』s first name.

billingInformation_lastName string
The ID of the field containing the customer』s last name.

billingInformation_email string
The ID of the field containing the customer』s email.

billingInformation_address string
The ID of the field containing the first line of the customer』s address.

billingInformation_address2 string
The ID of the field containing the second line of the customer』s address.

billingInformation_city string
The ID of the field containing the city of the customer』s address.

billingInformation_state string
The ID of the field containing the state of the customer』s address.

billingInformation_zip string
The ID of the field containing the zip of the customer』s address.

billingInformation_country string
The ID of the field containing the country of the customer』s address.

pageStyle string
Which PayPal page style should be used if you have setup a custom payment page style with PayPal.

continueText string
The text that should appear on the continue button once payment has been completed via PayPal.

cancelUrl string
The URL the user should be sent to should they cancel before completing their PayPal payment.

disableShipping boolean
Do not prompt buyer to include a shipping address. Default false.

disableNote boolean
Do not prompt buyer to include a note with payment. Default false.

delayNotification boolean
Send out selected notifications only after payment has been received. Default false.

selectedNotifications array
An array of notification IDs which should be delayed.

feed_condition_conditional_logic boolean
Is the feed condition (conditional logic) setting enabled. Default is false.

feed_condition_conditional_logic_object array
An associative array containing the conditional logic rules. See the Conditional Logic Object for more details.

Product or Donation Transaction Properties
The following properties are only applicable when the transactionType is set to product or donation.

paymentAmount string
What to use for the payment amount. Possible values: form_total or a product field ID.

Subscription Transaction Properties
The following properties are only applicable when the transactionType is set to subscription.

recurringAmount string
What to use for the recurring amount. Possible values: form_total or a product field ID.

billingCycle_length integer
How often should the recurring payment occur. Maximum values: 90 days, 52 weeks, 24 months or 5 years.

billingCycle_unit string
What unit to use with the billingCycle_length. Possible values: day, week, month or year.

recurringTimes integer
How many times the recurring payment should be made. The default (0) is to bill the customer until the subscription is canceled.

recurringRetry boolean
Try to bill again after failed attempt. Default is false.

trial_enabled boolean
Should the recurring charge occur immediately or after a trial period? Default false.

trial_product string
What is the source of the amount the user should be charged during the trial. Possible values: enter_amount or a product field ID.

trial_amount string
The amount the user should be charged during the trial if enter_amount is selected for the trial_product.

trialPeriod_length integer
How long should the trial last. Maximum values: 90 days, 52 weeks, 24 months or 5 years.

trialPeriod_unit string
What unit to use with the trialPeriod_length. Possible values: day, week, month or year.

Delayed Payment Properties
The following properties are only applicable when the 「action only when payment is received.」 options are being used.

type string
See transactionType. Only for backwards compatibility with non-framework add-ons.

recurring_amount_field string
See recurringAmount. Only for backwards compatibility with non-framework add-ons.

update_user_action string
User Registration add-on integration. What role should the user be assigned when the subscription is cancelled.

update_site_action string
User Registration add-on integration. Update site when the subscription is cancelled. Possible values: deactivate or delete.

delay_registration boolean
User Registration add-on integration. Register user only when payment is received.

delay_gravityformsaweber boolean
Aweber add-on integration. Subscribe user to AWeber only when payment is received.

delay_gravityformscampaignmonitor boolean
Campaign Monitor add-on integration. Subscribe user to Campaign Monitor only when payment is received.

delay_gravityformsmailchimp boolean
MailChimp add-on integration. Subscribe user to MailChimp only when payment is received.

delay_gravityformstwilio boolean
Twilio add-on integration. Send SMS only when a payment is received.

delay_gravityformszapier boolean
Zapier add-on integration. Send feed to Zapier only when payment is received.


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