Post Image Merge Tags

Post Image Merge Tags

ResultUsageNotesModifiers That Affect Image DisplayModifiers That Display Image Meta


Will display either the uploaded post image, or metadata about the image.


{[Post Image Field Name]:[field_id]:[modifier]}

[Post Image Field Name] is a descriptive text for the field you are targeting, and can be anything you require. This is included for readability, and is not mandatory.[field_id] is the id of the post image field you are targeting, and is required. [modifier] options are noted below.


This merge tag is available for the Post Title and Post Body field』s Create Content Template setting.

Special drop downs will appear when a Post Image field is selected from the content template merge tag drop down. This special drop down will provide a variety of pre-built merge tags for displaying the post image at all size and alignment combinations. For example, {My Post Image:5:thumbnail:left}

Modifiers That Affect Image Display

These two modifiers affect the display of the post image.They can be combined. For example {Post Image:5:medium:left}

ModifierDescription:sizeAccepts all standard WordPress sizes: 「thumbnail」, 「medium」, 「large」 and 「full」. Additionally, any registered custom size is supported as well. For more information on adding custom image sizes, read this article.Example: {Post Image:5:medium}:alignmentSpecify how the post image should be aligned with its adjacent content. Support values are 「left」, 「right」 and 「centered」.Example: {Post Image:5:medium:left}

Modifiers That Display Image Meta

These modifiers will display meta about the post image, rather than the post image itself.

ModifierDescription:urlDisplay the URL to the specified size of the post image. This option nullifies the [alignment] option. {Post Image:5:url}:titleDisplay the title of the image from image metadata. {Post Image:5:title}:descriptionDisplay the description of the image from image metadata. {Post Image:5:description}:captionDisplay the caption of the image from image metadata. {Post Image:5:caption}


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