Rest API Change Log

Rest API Change Log



Updated the POST /forms//entries endpoint to override the form_id entry property with the Form ID in the URL.
Updated the GET /forms//entries endpoint to return only active entries by default.


Added the Location header when the confirmation is a redirect.
Added sanitization to the /forms endpoint.
Added the POST /entries//notifications endpoint which (re)sends notifications.
Added the _fields query param to the GET /entries, GET /entries/ and GET /forms//fields/ and GET /forms//entries//fields/ endpoints
Removed support for semicolon separated entry IDs in the GET /entries endpoint. Use the include query param instead.


Added support for optional labels to the GET /entries endpoint.
Added support for entry trashing. Entries can only be deleted by sending the force param.
Added support for form trashing. Forms can only be deleted by sending the force param.
Changed the POST, PUT and DELETE endpoints for forms and entries to return the form/entry on success.
Fixed an issue with PUT /entries/[ID].
Removed the PUT /entries endpoint. Use PUT /entries/[ID] instead.
Removed authentication. Use WordPress REST API authentication instead.


All new.


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