Helper Functions

Helper Functions

Introductionadd_field_before()add_field_before() Exampleadd_field_after()add_field_after() Exampleremove_field()remove_field() Examplereplace_field()replace_field() Example 1 – Adding Donation to Transaction Type Drop Downreplace_field() Example 2 – Adding First and Last Name to Billing Information for Mappingget_field()get_field() Examplesettings_text()settings_textarea()settings_hidden()settings_radio()choices_have_icon()get_choice_attributes()settings_checkbox()checkbox_item()checkbox_input()checkbox_input_{$choice_name}()settings_select()get_select_options()get_select_option()settings_select_custom()settings_field_map()field_map_table_header()field_map_title()get_mapped_field_name()settings_field_map_select()get_field_map_choices()settings_field_select()get_form_fields_as_choices()settings_checkbox_and_select()settings_dynamic_field_map()settings_save()

These helper functions may be used to remove, modify, and add fields when working with the Settings API
$this->add_field_before( $name, $fields, $settings );

$name string
The name property of the field these fields should be inserted before.

$fields array
An array of fields to be inserted.

$settings array
The array of sections containing their current fields.

add_field_before() Example
This example uses the same code as the add field after example, with the only change being calling the add_field_before function and specifying the field to place it before as transactionType. This results in the same placement on the page as the other example.
public function feed_settings_fields() {
$default_settings = parent::feed_settings_fields();

//--add PayPal Email Address field
$fields = array(
'name' => 'paypalEmail',
'label' => __( 'PayPal Email Address ', 'gravityformspaypal' ),
'type' => 'text',
'class' => 'medium',
'required' => true,
'tooltip' => '

' . __( 'PayPal Email Address', 'gravityformspaypal' ) . '

' . __( 'Enter the PayPal email address where payment should be received.', 'gravityformspaypal' )
'name' => 'mode',
'label' => __( 'Mode', 'gravityformspaypal' ),
'type' => 'radio',
'choices' => array(
array( 'id' => 'gf_paypal_mode_production', 'label' => __( 'Production', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'value' => 'production' ),
array( 'id' => 'gf_paypal_mode_test', 'label' => __( 'Test', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'value' => 'test' ),

'horizontal' => true,
'default_value' => 'production',
'tooltip' => '

' . __( 'Mode', 'gravityformspaypal' ) . '

' . __( 'Select Production to receive live payments. Select Test for testing purposes when using the PayPal development sandbox.', 'gravityformspaypal' )

$default_settings = $this->add_field_before( 'transactionType', $fields, $default_settings );
return $default_settings;

$this->add_field_after( $name, $fields, $settings );

$name string
The name property of the field these fields should be inserted after.

$fields array
An array of fields to be inserted.

$settings array
The array of sections containing their current fields.

add_field_after() Example
This example creates two new fields, PayPal Email Address and Mode, and places them right after the Feed Name field.
public function feed_settings_fields() {
$default_settings = parent::feed_settings_fields();

//--add PayPal Email Address field
$fields = array(
'name' => 'paypalEmail',
'label' => __( 'PayPal Email Address ', 'gravityformspaypal' ),
'type' => 'text',
'class' => 'medium',
'required' => true,
'tooltip' => '

' . __( 'PayPal Email Address', 'gravityformspaypal' ) . '

' . __( 'Enter the PayPal email address where payment should be received.', 'gravityformspaypal' )
'name' => 'mode',
'label' => __( 'Mode', 'gravityformspaypal' ),
'type' => 'radio',
'choices' => array(
array( 'id' => 'gf_paypal_mode_production', 'label' => __( 'Production', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'value' => 'production' ),
array( 'id' => 'gf_paypal_mode_test', 'label' => __( 'Test', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'value' => 'test' ),

'horizontal' => true,
'default_value' => 'production',
'tooltip' => '

' . __( 'Mode', 'gravityformspaypal' ) . '

' . __( 'Select Production to receive live payments. Select Test for testing purposes when using the PayPal development sandbox.', 'gravityformspaypal' )

$default_settings = $this->add_field_after( 'feedName', $fields, $default_settings );
return $default_settings;

The code above produces output similar to the following:

When extending the GFPaymentAddOn you may want to remove some of the default fields from your add-ons feed configuration page.
$this->remove_field( $name, $settings );

$name string
The name property of the field to be removed.

$settings array
The array of sections containing their current fields.

remove_field() Example
This example removes the Setup Fee field.
public function feed_settings_fields() {
$default_settings = parent::feed_settings_fields();
//hide default display of setup fee
$default_settings = $this->remove_field( 'setupFee', $default_settings );
return $default_settings;

Instead of removing a field, you may replace it with a modified version. When using replace_field, you do not need to worry about the placement on the page because the field will remain in the same location.
$this->replace_field( $name, $fields, $settings );

$name string
The name property of the field to be replaced.

$fields array
An array of fields to be inserted.

$settings array
The array of sections containing their current fields.

replace_field() Example 1 – Adding Donation to Transaction Type Drop Down
This example adds Donation as a choice in the Transaction Type drop down by replacing the transaction type field with an altered version of it. You could also achieve this by removing the field and adding a new version of it and placing it in the correct location on the page.
public function feed_settings_fields() {
$default_settings = parent::feed_settings_fields();

//--add donation to transaction type drop down
$transaction_type = $this->get_field( 'transactionType', $default_settings );
$choices = $transaction_type['choices'];
$add_donation = true;
foreach ( $choices as $choice ) {
//add donation option if it does not already exist
if ( $choice['value'] == 'donation' ) {
$add_donation = false;

if ( $add_donation ) {
//add donation transaction type
$choices[] = array( 'label' => __( 'Donations', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'value' => 'donation' );
$transaction_type['choices'] = $choices;
default_settings = $this->replace_field( 'transactionType', $transaction_type, $default_settings );

return $default_settings;

replace_field() Example 2 – Adding First and Last Name to Billing Information for Mapping
public function feed_settings_fields() {
$default_settings = parent::feed_settings_fields();

//--get billing info section and add customer first/last name
$billing_info = $this->get_field( 'billingInformation', $default_settings );
$billing_fields = $billing_info['field_map'];
$add_first_name = true;
$add_last_name = true;
foreach ( $billing_fields as $mapping ) {
//add first/last name if it does not already exist in billing fields
if ( $mapping['name'] == 'firstName' ) {
$add_first_name = false;
} else if ( $mapping['name'] == 'lastName' ) {
$add_last_name = false;

if ( $add_last_name ) {
//add last name
array_unshift( $billing_info['field_map'], array( 'name' => 'lastName', 'label' => __( 'Last Name', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'required' => false ) );
if ( $add_first_name ) {
array_unshift( $billing_info['field_map'], array( 'name' => 'firstName', 'label' => __( 'First Name', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'required' => false ) );
$default_settings = $this->replace_field( 'billingInformation', $billing_info, $default_settings );
return $default_settings;

$this->get_field( $name, $settings );

$name string
The name property of the field to be retrieved.

$settings array
The array of sections containing the current fields.

get_field() Example
See the replace_field() examples above.
Renders and initializes a text input based on the $field array.
protected function settings_text( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Renders and initializes a textarea element based on the $field array.
protected function settings_textarea( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Renders and initializes a hidden input based on the $field array.
protected function settings_hidden( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Renders and initializes one or more radio type inputs based on the $field array.
protected function settings_radio( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Determines if any of the choices for this field have an icon.
public function choices_have_icon( $choices = array() ) {}

$choices array
The array containing the field choices.

Parses the properties of the $choice array and returns a new array containing a set of HTML attributes to be added to the HTML element.
protected function get_choice_attributes( $choice, $field_attributes, $default_choice_attributes = array() ) {}

$choice array
The choice properties.

$field_attributes array
The fields attributes.

$default_choice_attributes array
The choices default attributes. Default is an empty array.

Renders and initializes one or more checkbox type inputs based on the $field array.
protected function settings_checkbox( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Returns the markup for an individual checkbox item for the given choice array.
protected function checkbox_item( $choice, $horizontal_class, $attributes, $value, $tooltip, $error_icon='' ) {}

$choice array
The array containing the choice properties.

$horizontal_class string
The CSS class to style the checkbox items horizontally.

$attributes string
The attributes to be added to the input element.

$value string
Indicates if the current choice is selected (1 if field has been checked. 0 or null otherwise).

$tooltip string
The tooltip for this choice.

Returns the markup for an individual checkbox input and label for the given choice array.
protected function checkbox_input( $choice, $attributes, $value, $tooltip ) {}

$choice array
The array containing the choice properties.

$attributes string
The attributes to be added to the input element.

$value string
Indicates if the current choice is selected (1 if field has been checked. 0 or null otherwise).

$tooltip string
The tooltip for this choice.

Define a custom checkbox_input_ function ending with a specific choice name to return a custom checkbox input and label markup for that choice.
public function checkbox_input_{$choice_name}( $choice, $attributes, $value, $tooltip ) {}

$choice array
The array containing the choice properties.

$attributes string
The attributes to be added to the input element.

$value string
Indicates if the current choice is selected (1 if field has been checked. 0 or null otherwise).

$tooltip string
The tooltip for this choice.

Renders and initializes a drop down field based on the $field array.
protected function settings_select( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Prepares an HTML string of options for a drop down field.
public function get_select_options( $choices, $selected_value ) {}

$choices array
The array containing the field choices.

$selected_value string
The value currently selected for the field.

Prepares an HTML string for a single drop down field option.
public function get_select_option( $choice, $selected_value ) {}

$choice array
The array containing the choice properties.

$selected_value string
The value currently selected for the field.

Renders and initializes a drop down field with a input field for custom input based on the $field array.
protected function settings_select_custom( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Returns the field markup.
public function settings_field_map( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the parent fields properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Returns the thead element with the column headers.
public function field_map_table_header() {}

Returns the title to be displayed in the left column of the table, the column containing the labels of the child fields. Defaults to Field; override this function to return a custom title.
protected function field_map_title() {}

Returns the key for this field as used in the meta property of the Feed Object. e.g. contactStandardFields_first_name
public function get_mapped_field_name( $parent_field, $field_name ) {}

$parent_field array
The array containing the parent fields properties.

$field_name string
The name property of the field_map child field.

Returns the markup for the drop down containing the form fields and entry meta choices.
public function settings_field_map_select( $field, $form_id ) {}

$field array
The array containing the child field properties.

$form_id integer
The ID of the current form.

Returns an array of form field and entry meta choices.
public static function get_field_map_choices( $form_id, $field_type = null, $exclude_field_types = null ) {}

$form_id integer
The ID of the current form.

$field_type string|array
The type of fields to be included.

$exclude_field_types string|array
The type of fields to be excluded.

Renders a drop down field containing the form fields as choices.
protected function settings_field_select( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Retrieve an array of choices containing the form fields.
public function get_form_fields_as_choices( $form, $args = array() ) {}

$form Form Object
The current form.

$args array
Additional settings to check for (field and input types to include, callback for applicable input type).

Renders and initializes a checkbox field that displays a select field when checked.
protected function settings_select( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Returns the field markup for the dynamic_field_map type field.
public function settings_dynamic_field_map( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the parent fields properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Returns the markup for the save button.
public function settings_save( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the parent fields properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.


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