Accessing Mapped Field Values During Feed Processing

Accessing Mapped Field Values During Feed Processing

Introductionget_mapped_field_value()ParametersReturnsUsesUsage Exampleget_field_value()ParametersReturnsUsesHooksUsage Examplemaybe_override_field_value()ParametersReturnsHooksUsage Exampleget_full_address()ParametersReturnsget_full_name()ParametersReturnsget_list_field_value()ParametersReturnsget_{$input_type}_field_value()

The following functions are located in the GFAddon class; they are also available for use by add-ons which extend the GFFeedAddOn or GFPaymentAddOn classes and can be used to retrieve the mapped form field values during feed processing in the process_feed() method.
1protected function get_mapped_field_value( $setting_name, $form, $entry, $settings = false ) {}
Source: Inline Documentation


$setting_name string
The setting name; the key to the setting value in the Feed Object meta array.

$form Form Object
The form currently being processed.

$entry Entry Object
The entry currently being processed.

$settings array
The Feed Object meta.

(string) The value of the mapped field.

includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php: get_field_value()

Usage Example
1$value = $this->get_mapped_field_value( $meta_key, $form, $entry, $feed['meta'] );
1public function get_field_value( $form, $entry, $field_id ) {}
Source: Inline Documentation


$form Form Object
The Form currently being processed.

$entry Entry Object
The Entry currently being processed.

$field_id string
The ID of the Field currently being processed.

(string) The value of the specified field.

includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php: get_full_address()
includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php: get_full_name()
includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php: get_list_field_value()
includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php: maybe_override_field_value()

This function contains the following hooks:


Usage Example
1$email = $this->get_field_value( $form, $entry, rgar( $feed['meta'], 'customerInformation_email' ) );
1public function maybe_override_field_value( $field_value, $form, $entry, $field_id ) {}
Override this function to prevent the gform_short_slug_field_value filter being used if you need to implement a custom filter, or need to perform custom formatting of some field types.
Source: Inline Documentation


$field_value string
The value to be overridden.

$form Form Object
The Form currently being processed.

$entry Entry Object
The Entry currently being processed.

$field_id string
The ID of the Field currently being processed.

(string) The field value.
This function contains the following hooks:


Usage Example
12$coupon_field_id = rgar( $feed['meta'], 'customerInformation_coupon' );$coupon          = $this->maybe_override_field_value( rgar( $entry, $coupon_field_id ), $form, $entry, $coupon_field_id );
1protected function get_full_address( $entry, $field_id ) {}
Override this function if your add-on needs to reformat the Address field value.
Source: Inline Documentation


$entry Entry Object
The Entry currently being processed.

$field_id string
The ID of the Field currently being processed.

(string) Returns the combined value of the specified Address field.
1protected function get_full_name( $entry, $field_id ) {}
Override this function if your add-on needs to reformat the Name field value.
Source: Inline Documentation


$entry Entry Object
The Entry currently being processed.

$field_id string
The ID of the Field currently being processed.

(string) Returns the combined value of the specified Name field.
1protected function get_list_field_value( $entry, $field_id, $field ) {}
Override this function if your add-on needs to reformat the List field value.
Source: Inline Documentation


$entry Entry Object
The Entry currently being processed.

$field_id string
The ID of the Field currently being processed.

$field Field Object
The Field currently being processed.

(string) Returns the formatted value of the specified List field or List field column.
To perform custom formatting of values for a specific field or input type you can define a custom function to be used when the get_field_value() processes that field type. Just replace {$input_type} in the function name with the field type you want to format e.g.
12345678public function get_phone_field_value( $entry, $field_id, $field ) {    $field_value = rgar( $entry, $field_id );    if ( ! empty( $field_value ) && $field->phoneFormat == 'standard' && preg_match( '/^D?(d{3})D?D?(d{3})D?(d{4})$/', $field_value, $matches ) ) {        $field_value = sprintf( '%s-%s-%s', $matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3] );    }     return $field_value;}

How To Manually Update For Older WordPress Editions

How To Manually Update For Older WordPress Editions

To manually update Gravity Forms on WordPress versions 5.4 or older, follow the step below.

For more recent WordPress versions, refer to our master article here.

If you haven』t already done so, download the Gravity Forms or Add-On zip from the downloads page. Be sure to save this zip file somewhere easily accessible as you will need it soon.From within your WordPress admin dashboard, click Plugins on the left side navigation menu.If the plugin is active, select the Deactivate option for the plugin you』re trying to update.Select the Delete option for the plugin you』re trying to update.Click OK or Yes when prompted to delete the files. This step deletes the plugin』s folder and the files inside. The data part of the message in the prompt does NOT apply to Gravity Forms or our official add-ons. As mentioned above your data will remain.Click the Add New button.Click the Upload Plugin button.Click the Browse button.Navigate to the zip file you previously downloaded and select it.Once the file is selected, click the Install Now button.Click the Activate Plugin button.

Managing Notes with the GFAPI

Managing Notes with the GFAPI

Introductionget_notesParametersReturnsUsage ExamplesGetting all notes for the specified entryget_noteParametersReturnsUsage Exampleadd_noteParametersReturnsUsage ExamplesAdding a user notedelete_noteParametersReturnsUsage Exampleupdate_noteParametersReturnsUsage ExamplesUpdating the note content

The GFAPI methods for managing notes were added in Gravity Forms 2.4.18.
See the GFAPI article for other available methods.

Returns the notes for the given search criteria.
public static function get_notes( $search_criteria = array(), $sorting = null ) {}

$search_criteria array
Optional. An array containing one or more of the following arguments.

id int
The ID of the note to be retrieved.
entry_id int
The ID of the entry the notes are to be retrieved for.
user_id int
The ID of the user the notes are to be retrieved for.
user_name string
The user_name of the user the notes are to be retrieved for.
note_type string
The type of note to be retrieved.
sub_type string
The sub type of note to be retrieved.
start_date string
Retrieves notes created on or after the date and time specified in the Y-m-d H:i:s format.
end_date string
Retrieves notes created before the date and time specified in the Y-m-d H:i:s format.

$sorting array
Optional. An array containing the sorting arguments.

key string
The column to sort by. See the gf_entry_notes database table columns.
direction string
The direction to sort by: ASC or DESC.

The default sorting arguments are defined like so:
$sorting = array( 'key' => 'id', 'direction' => 'ASC' );


$result bool|array
False or an array of note objects containing the gf_entry_notes database table columns as properties.

Usage Examples
Getting all notes for the specified entry
$search_criteria = array( 'entry_id' = $entry_id );
$result = GFAPI::get_notes( $search_criteria );

Returns the specified note.
public static function get_note( $note_id ) {}

$note_id int
The ID of the note to be retrieved.


$result WP_Error|object
A WP_Error if the note was not found or the note object containing the gf_entry_notes database table columns as properties.

Usage Example
$result = GFAPI::get_note( $note_id );

Adds a note to the specified entry.
public static function add_note( $entry_id, $user_id, $user_name, $note, $note_type = 'user', $sub_type = null ) {}

$entry_id int
The ID of the entry the note is being added to.

$user_id int
The ID of the user adding the note.

$user_name string
The user_name of the user adding the note.

$note string
The content of the note being added.

$note_type string
Optional. The type of note being added.

$sub_type string
Optional. The sub type of note being added.


$result WP_Error|int
A WP_Error if an error occurs or the ID of the note returned by the database.

Usage Examples
Adding a user note
$result = GFAPI::add_note( $entry_id, $user_id, $user_name, 'this is a test note' );

Deletes the specified note.
public static function delete_note( $note_id ) {}

$note_id int
The ID of the note to be retrieved.


$result WP_Error|bool
A WP_Error if an error occurs or true on success.

Usage Example
$result = GFAPI::delete_note( $note_id );

Updates the specified note.
public static function update_note( $note, $note_id = '' ) {}

$note array
An array containing one or more of the following arguments.

id int
The ID of the note to be updated.
entry_id int
The ID of the entry the note is for.
user_id int
The ID of the user the note was added by.
user_name string
The user_name of the user the note was added by.
date_created string
The date the note was created in the Y-m-d H:i:s format.
value string
The note content.
note_type string
The note type.
sub_type string
The note sub type.

$note_id string|int
Optional. The ID of the note to be updated when not included in the $note array.


$result WP_Error|bool
A WP_Error if an error occurs or true on success.

Usage Examples
Updating the note content
$note = array( 'value' = 'the updated note' );
$result = GFAPI::update_note( $note, $note_id );

Managing Forms with WP-CLI

Managing Forms with WP-CLI

Creating FormsExamplesParametersDeleting FormsExamplesParametersDuplicating FormsExamplesParametersEditing FormsExamplesParametersExporting FormsExamplesParametersListing FormsExamplesParametersGetting FormsExamplesParametersImporting FormsExamplesParametersUpdating FormsExamplesParameters

In this article, we will show you how to do things such as import, export, update, delete, and even create forms using the CLI Add-On for Gravity Forms.
Creating Forms
wp gf form create

Creates a new form with just a title and description.
wp gf form create 'My Form Title' 'Description Here'



<br /> The title of the new form. Overrides the title defined in the optional JSON.</p> <p>[<description>]<br /> The description of the new form. Overrides the description defined in the optional JSON.</p> <p>[--form-json=<value>]<br /> The JSON formatted form.</p> <p>[--porcelain]<br /> If used, outputs just the created form ID instead of the standard success message.</p> <p>Deleting Forms<br /> wp gf form delete<br /> Examples</p> <p>Move form 5 to the trash.<br /> wp gf form delete 5</p> <p>Permanently delete form 5.<br /> wp gf form delete 5 --force</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id>...<br /> One or more IDs of forms to be deleted.</p> <p>[--force]<br /> Skips the trash and permanently deletes the form.</p> <p>Duplicating Forms<br /> wp gf form duplicate<br /> Examples</p> <p>Creates a duplicate copy of form 5.<br /> wp gf form duplicate 5</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form to be duplicated.</p> <p>[--porcelain]<br /> If used, outputs just the duplicate form ID instead of the standard success message.</p> <p>Editing Forms<br /> wp gf form edit<br /> Examples</p> <p>Launch the editor for form 5.<br /> wp gf form edit 5</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form to be edited.</p> <p>Exporting Forms<br /> wp gf form export<br /> Examples</p> <p>Exports all forms to the current working directory.<br /> wp gf form export</p> <p>Exports form 5 to a specific location.<br /> wp gf form export 5 --dir=/my/custom/path</p> <p>Exports form 5 using a custom filename.<br /> wp gf form export 5 --filename=testing.json</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <p>[<form-id>]<br /> The ID of the form to export. If not set, exports all forms.</p> <p>[--dir='value']<br /> The path to the location that the export should be stored.Default: current working directory.</p> <p>[--filename='value']<br /> The filename for the form to export. Defaults to the current date.</p> <p>[--porcelain]<br /> Overrides the standard success message with just the export file path.</p> <p>Listing Forms<br /> wp gf form list<br /> Examples</p> <p>Get a JSON formatted list of active forms sorted by id.<br /> wp gf form list --active --sort_column=id --format=json</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <p>[--active]<br /> List active forms.Default: true.</p> <p>[--trash]<br /> List forms in trash.Default: false.</p> <p>[--sort-column=<value>]<br /> The column to sort the list by.Accepted values: id, title, date_created, is_active, and is_trash.Default: id.</p> <p>[--sort-dir=<value>]<br /> The direction to use when sorting.Accepted values: ASC or DESC.Default: ASC.</p> <p>[--format=<value>]<br /> Defines the format in which the forms will be listed.Accepted values: table, csv, json, and count.Default: table.</p> <p>Getting Forms<br /> wp gf form get<br /> Examples</p> <p>Gets the JSON for form 5.<br /> wp gf form get 5</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form to get.</p> <p>Importing Forms<br /> wp gf form import<br /> Examples</p> <p>Imports one or more forms from the supplied .json file.<br /> wp gf form import /path/to/my/file.json</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <p><json-path><br /> The path to a file containing the JSON formatted form(s) to be imported.</p> <p>Updating Forms<br /> wp gf form update<br /> Examples</p> <p>Updates form 5 using the supplied JSON string.<br /> wp gf form update 5 --form-json='{snip}'</p> <p>Updates form 5 using the supplied .json file.<br /> wp gf form update 5 --file='/path/to/my/file.json'</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form to update.</p> <p>[--form-json=<value>]<br /> The JSON formatted form.</p> <p>[--file=<value>]<br /> The path to a file containing the JSON formatted form.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="posted-on"><span class="screen-reader-text">发布于 </span><a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2021-12-28T04:33:51+08:00">2021 年 12 月 28 日</time><time class="updated" datetime="2021-12-28T13:04:40+08:00">2021 年 12 月 28 日</time></a></span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">Leave a comment</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-1218 --> <article id="post-1217" class="post-1217 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-document"> <header class="entry-header"> <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Managing Form Notifications with WP-CLI</a></h2> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <span class="screen-reader-text">Managing Form Notifications with WP-CLI</span><p>Listing Form NotificationsExamplesParametersCreating Form NotificationsExamplesParametersGetting Form NotificationsExamplesParametersDeleting Form NotificationsExamplesParametersDuplicating Form NotificationsExamplesParametersUpdating Form NotificationsExamplesParametersEditing Form NotificationsExamplesParameters</p> <p> By using the CLI Add-On for Gravity Forms, you can easily manage form notifications using the command line.<br /> Listing Form Notifications<br /> wp gf form notification list<br /> Examples</p> <p>Outputs a table listing the notifications for form 1.<br /> wp gf form notification list 1</p> <p>Outputs a table listing the active notifications for form 1.<br /> wp gf form notification list 1 --active</p> <p>Outputs the raw properties for the form 1 notifications.<br /> wp gf form notification list 1 --raw</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form to retrieve the notifications from.</p> <p>[--active]<br /> Retrieves only active notifications.</p> <p>[--format=<value>]<br /> Defines the format in which the notifications will be listed.Accepted values: table, ids, csv, json, yaml, and count.Defaults to table.</p> <p>[--raw]<br /> Outputs the raw notification properties as a JSON string.</p> <p>Creating Form Notifications<br /> wp gf form notification create<br /> Examples</p> <p>Creates a new notification for form 1 with the specified name.<br /> wp gf form notification create 1 'My Notification'</p> <p>Creates a new notification for form 1 with the specified name and to address.<br /> wp gf form notification create 1 'My Notification' --to=''</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form to create the notification for.</p> <p>[<name>]<br /> The name to be assigned to the new notification.</p> <p>[--to=<value>]<br /> The to field value.Default: {admin_email}.</p> <p>[--subject=<value>]<br /> The subject field value.Default: New submission from {form_title}.</p> <p>[--message=<value>]<br /> The message field value.Default: {all_fields}.</p> <p>[--to-type=<value>]<br /> The send to type field value.Default: email.</p> <p>[--event=<value>]<br /> The event field value; when the notification will be sent.Default: form_submission.</p> <p>[--notification-json=<value>]<br /> The JSON formatted notification.</p> <p>[--porcelain]<br /> Outputs just the notification ID instead of the standard success message.</p> <p>Getting Form Notifications<br /> wp gf form notification get<br /> Examples</p> <p>Gets the JSON for the specified notification from form 1.<br /> wp gf form notification get 1 596e4794a13a2</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form to get the notification from.</p> <p><notification-id><br /> The ID of the notification to get.</p> <p>Deleting Form Notifications<br /> wp gf form notification delete<br /> Examples</p> <p>Deletes the specified form 1 notification.<br /> wp gf form notification delete 1 596e4794a13a2</p> <p>Deletes the specified form 1 notifications.<br /> wp gf form notification delete 1 596e4794a13a2 574ff8257d864</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form to delete the notification from.</p> <p><notification-id>...<br /> The IDs of the notification to delete.</p> <p>Duplicating Form Notifications<br /> wp gf form notification duplicate<br /> Examples</p> <p>Duplicates the specified form 1 notification.<br /> wp gf form notification duplicate 1 596e4794a13a2</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form to duplicate the notification for.</p> <p><notification-id><br /> The ID of the notification to duplicate.</p> <p>[--porcelain]<br /> Outputs just the new notification ID instead of the standard success message.</p> <p>Updating Form Notifications<br /> wp gf form notification update<br /> Examples</p> <p>Updates the specified form 1 notification from the supplied JSON.<br /> wp gf form notification update 1 --notification-json='{snip}'</p> <p>Updates the specified notification using the supplied JSON.<br /> wp gf form notification update 1 abc1 --notification-json='{snip}'</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form to update the notification for.</p> <p>[<notification-id>]<br /> The ID of the notification to be updated.</p> <p>[--notification-json=<value>]<br /> The JSON formatted notification.</p> <p>Editing Form Notifications<br /> wp gf form notification edit<br /> Examples</p> <p>Launch the editor for the specified form notification.<br /> wp gf form notification edit 1 596e4794a13a2</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form the notification to be edited belongs to.</p> <p><notification-id><br /> The ID of the notification to edit.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="posted-on"><span class="screen-reader-text">发布于 </span><a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2021-12-28T04:33:51+08:00">2021 年 12 月 28 日</time><time class="updated" datetime="2021-12-28T13:04:39+08:00">2021 年 12 月 28 日</time></a></span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">Leave a comment</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-1217 --> <article id="post-1216" class="post-1216 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-document"> <header class="entry-header"> <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Managing Fields with WP-CLI</a></h2> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <span class="screen-reader-text">Managing Fields with WP-CLI</span><p>Creating FieldsExamplesParametersDeleting FieldsExamplesParametersDuplicating FieldsExamplesParametersEditing FieldsExamplesParametersGetting FieldsExamplesParametersListing FieldsExamplesParametersUpdating FieldsExamplesParameters</p> <p> When using the CLI Add-On for Gravity Forms, you are able to easily manage your forms fields using only the command line, via WP-CLI. In this article, we will show you how to do things such as update, delete, and even create form fields using WP-CLI.<br /> Creating Fields<br /> wp gf field create<br /> Examples</p> <p>Create a new text type field for form 1.<br /> wp gf field create 1 text 'My Text Field'</p> <p>Create a new select field for form 1 from the supplied JSON.<br /> wp gf field create 2 --field-json='{"type": "select", "label": "My Dropdown", "enableChoiceValue": true, "choices": [{"text": "Choice 1", "value":"one"}, {"text": "Choice 2", "value":"two"}]}'</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form to create a field in.</p> <p><type><br /> The type of field to create.Examples: text, textarea, email.See the type properties of the field classes which extend GF_Field.</p> <p>[<label>]<br /> The label to associate with the created field.</p> <p>[--field-json=<value>]<br /> The JSON formatted field properties.</p> <p>[--porcelain]<br /> Outputs just the created field ID.</p> <p>Deleting Fields<br /> wp gf field delete<br /> Examples</p> <p>Deletes field 2 from form 5.<br /> wp gf field delete 5 2</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form that a field will be deleted from.</p> <p><field-id><br /> The ID of the field to be deleted.</p> <p>Duplicating Fields<br /> wp gf field duplicate<br /> Examples</p> <p>Duplicates field 2 of form 5.<br /> wp gf field duplicate 5 2</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form that a field will be duplicated in.</p> <p><field-id><br /> The ID of the field to be duplicated.</p> <p>Editing Fields<br /> wp gf field edit<br /> Examples</p> <p>Launch the editor for field 2 of form 5.<br /> wp gf field edit 5 2</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form that contains the field you want to edit.</p> <p><field-id><br /> The ID of the field to be edited.</p> <p>Getting Fields<br /> wp gf field get<br /> Examples</p> <p>Gets the JSON for field 2 of form 5.<br /> wp gf field get 5 2</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form that contains the field you want to view.</p> <p><field-id><br /> The ID of the field you want to view.</p> <p>Listing Fields<br /> wp gf field list<br /> Examples</p> <p>Get a table formatted list of fields from form 5.<br /> wp gf field list 5</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form that you want to list fields from.</p> <p>[--format=<value>]<br /> Defines the format in which the fields will be listed.Accepted values: table, csv, json, yaml, and count.Default: table.</p> <p>Updating Fields<br /> wp gf field update<br /> Examples</p> <p>Updates field 2 of form 5 with the supplied JSON.<br /> wp gf field update 5 2 --field-json='{"type": "text", "label": "My New Label", "defaultValue": "Just testing"}'</p> <p>Update the specified properties of form 2 field 5.<br /> wp gf field update 5 2 --type=text --label='My New Label'</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <form-id> The ID of the form that contains the field that will be updated.</p> <p><field-id><br /> The ID of the field you want to update.</p> <p>[--<property>=<value>]<br /> The field property and value to be updated.</p> <p>[--field-json=<value>]<br /> The JSON formatted field properties.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="posted-on"><span class="screen-reader-text">发布于 </span><a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2021-12-28T04:33:51+08:00">2021 年 12 月 28 日</time><time class="updated" datetime="2021-12-28T13:04:39+08:00">2021 年 12 月 28 日</time></a></span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">Leave a comment</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-1216 --> <article id="post-1215" class="post-1215 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-document"> <header class="entry-header"> <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Managing Entry Notifications with WP-CLI</a></h2> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <span class="screen-reader-text">Managing Entry Notifications with WP-CLI</span><p>Getting Entry NotificationsExamplesParametersSending Entry NotificationsExamplesParameters</p> <p> By using the CLI Add-On for Gravity Forms, you can easily manage entry notifications using the command line.<br /> Getting Entry Notifications<br /> wp gf entry notification get<br /> Examples</p> <p>Gets a table containing the form submission notifications for entry 1.<br /> wp gf entry notification get 1</p> <p>Gets a table containing the payment completed notifications for entry 1.<br /> wp gf entry notification get 1 --event=complete_payment</p> <p>Gets a list of payment completed notifications IDs for entry 1.<br /> wp gf entry notification get 1 --event=complete_payment --format=ids</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <p><entry-id><br /> The ID of the entry the notifications are for.</p> <p>[<notification-id>...]<br /> Specific notification IDs to get. If set, this will override the event arg.</p> <p>[--event=<value>]<br /> The notification event to retrieve.Default: form_submission.</p> <p>[--format=<value>]<br /> Defines the format in which the notifications will be listed.Accepted values: table, ids, csv, json, yaml, and count.Default: table.</p> <p>[--raw]<br /> Outputs the raw notification properties as a JSON string.</p> <p>Sending Entry Notifications<br /> wp gf entry notification send<br /> Examples</p> <p>Sends the form submission notifications for entry 597.<br /> wp gf entry notification send 597</p> <p>Sends the payment completed notifications for entry 597.<br /> wp gf entry notification send 597 --event=complete_payment</p> <p>Sends the notifications for entry 597 which match the specified IDs.<br /> wp gf entry notification send 597 574ff8257d864 596e53f8104ed</p> <p>Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <p><entry-id><br /> The ID of the entry the notifications are to be sent for.</p> <p>[<notification-id>...]<br /> The IDs of one or more specific notifications to be sent. If set, this will override the event arg.</p> <p>[--event=<value>]<br /> The event to send the notifications for.Default: form_submission.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="posted-on"><span class="screen-reader-text">发布于 </span><a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2021-12-28T04:33:50+08:00">2021 年 12 月 28 日</time><time class="updated" datetime="2021-12-28T13:04:43+08:00">2021 年 12 月 28 日</time></a></span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">Leave a comment</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-1215 --> <article id="post-1214" class="post-1214 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-document"> <header class="entry-header"> <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Managing Add-On Feeds with the GFAPI</a></h2> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <span class="screen-reader-text">Managing Add-On Feeds with the GFAPI</span><p>Introductionget_feedsParametersReturnsUsage Examplesget_feedParametersReturnsUsage Examplesadd_feedParametersReturnsUsage Examplesdelete_feedParametersReturnsUsage Examplesupdate_feedParametersReturnsUsage Examplesfeed_existsParametersReturnsUsage Examplesupdate_feed_propertyParametersReturnsUsage Examples</p> <p> Introduction<br /> The following GFAPI methods are used to manage form Feeds. Each Feed contains the properties which determine if and how the form submission is processed by an add-on.<br /> See the GFAPI article for other available methods.</p> <p>get_feeds<br /> GFAPI::get_feeds() was added in Gravity Forms version 1.8, it is used to get all feeds which match the given search criteria.<br /> public static function get_feeds( $feed_ids = null, $form_id = null, $addon_slug = null, $is_active = true ) {}<br /> Parameters</p> <p>$feed_ids null|integer|array<br /> Optional. The ID of the Feed or an array of Feed IDs.</p> <p>$form_id null|string<br /> Optional. The ID of the Form to which the Feeds belong.</p> <p>$addon_slug null|string<br /> Optional. The slug of the add-on to which the Feeds belong, including the gravityforms prefix. See the Gravity Forms Add-On Slugs article for a list of possible slugs.</p> <p>$is_active boolean<br /> Optional. Default true. Indicates if only active or inactive feeds should be returned. Since null can be used to return both.</p> <p>Returns</p> <p>$result array|WP_Error<br /> An array of Feed Objects or a WP_Error instance.</p> <p>Usage Examples<br /> Getting all active feeds.<br /> $result = GFAPI::get_feeds();<br /> Getting a specific feed.<br /> $result = GFAPI::get_feeds( 1 );<br /> Getting multiple specific feeds.<br /> $result = GFAPI::get_feeds( array( 1, 5 ) );<br /> Getting all active feeds for a specific form.<br /> $result = GFAPI::get_feeds( null, 2 );<br /> Getting all active feeds for a specific add-on.<br /> $result = GFAPI::get_feeds( null, null, 'gravityformszapier' );<br /> get_feed<br /> GFAPI::get_feed() was added in Gravity Forms version, it is used to get a specific feed.<br /> public static function get_feed( $feed_id ) {}<br /> Parameters</p> <p>$feed_id integer<br /> The ID of the feed to retrieve.</p> <p>Returns</p> <p>$result array|WP_Error<br /> The Feed Object or a WP_Error instance.</p> <p>Usage Examples<br /> $result = GFAPI::get_feed( 1 );<br /> add_feed<br /> GFAPI::add_feed() was added in Gravity Forms version 1.8, it is used to add a new feed to the specified form with the given configuration.<br /> public static function add_feed( $form_id, $feed_meta, $addon_slug ) {}<br /> Parameters</p> <p>$form_id integer<br /> The ID of the form to which the feed belongs.</p> <p>$feed_meta array<br /> The feed properties, see the meta property of the Feed Object.</p> <p>$addon_slug string<br /> The slug of the add-on to which the Feed belongs, including the gravityforms prefix. See the Gravity Forms Add-On Slugs article for a list of possible slugs.</p> <p>Returns</p> <p>$result WP_Error|integer<br /> A WP_Error if an error occurs or the ID of the Feed returned by the database.</p> <p>Usage Examples<br /> $result = GFAPI::add_feed( $form_id, $feed_meta, $addon_slug );<br /> delete_feed<br /> GFAPI::delete_feed() was added in Gravity Forms version 1.8, it is used to delete a specific Feed.<br /> public static function delete_feed( $feed_id ) {}<br /> Parameters</p> <p>$feed_id integer<br /> The ID of the Feed Object to be deleted.</p> <p>Returns</p> <p>$result boolean|WP_Error<br /> True for success or a WP_Error instance.</p> <p>Usage Examples<br /> $result = GFAPI::delete_feed( $feed_id );<br /> update_feed<br /> GFAPI::update_feed() was added in Gravity Forms version 1.8, it is used to update the meta for a specific Feed.<br /> public static function update_feed( $feed_id, $feed_meta, $form_id = null ) {}<br /> Parameters</p> <p>$feed_id integer<br /> The ID of the Feed Object to be updated.</p> <p>$feed_meta array<br /> The feed properties, see the meta property of the Feed Object.</p> <p>$form_id integer<br /> The ID of the form to which the feed belongs.</p> <p>Returns</p> <p>$result boolean|WP_Error<br /> True for success or a WP_Error instance.</p> <p>Usage Examples<br /> $result = GFAPI::update_feed( $feed_id, $feed_meta, $form_id );<br /> feed_exists<br /> GFAPI::feed_exists() was added in Gravity Forms version 2.4.24, it is used to check if a Feed exists for the given ID.<br /> public static function feed_exists( $feed_id ) {}<br /> Parameters</p> <p>$feed_id integer<br /> The ID to be checked.</p> <p>Returns</p> <p>$result boolean<br /> Whether or not a Feed Object exists for the supplied ID.</p> <p>Usage Examples<br /> $result = GFAPI::feed_exists( $feed_id );<br /> update_feed_property<br /> GFAPI::update_feed_property() was added in Gravity Forms version 2.4.24, it is used to update the properties of a specific Feed.<br /> public static function update_feed_property( $feed_id, $property_name, $property_value ) {}<br /> Parameters</p> <p>$feed_id integer<br /> The ID of the Feed Object to be updated.</p> <p>$property_name string<br /> The name of the property (column) being updated. Supported: form_id, is_active, feed_order, meta, and addon_slug</p> <p>$property_value string|integer|array<br /> The new value of the specified property. The meta property can be passed as an associative array or JSON.</p> <p>Returns</p> <p>$result boolean|WP_Error<br /> True for success or a WP_Error instance.</p> <p>Usage Examples<br /> $result = GFAPI::update_feed_property( $feed_id, $property_name, $property_value );<br /> $result = GFAPI::update_feed_property( 1, 'is_active', 0 );</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="posted-on"><span class="screen-reader-text">发布于 </span><a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2021-12-28T04:33:50+08:00">2021 年 12 月 28 日</time><time class="updated" datetime="2021-12-28T13:04:50+08:00">2021 年 12 月 28 日</time></a></span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">Leave a comment</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-1214 --> <article id="post-1213" class="post-1213 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-document"> <header class="entry-header"> <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Managing Add-On Feeds with REST API v2</a></h2> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <span class="screen-reader-text">Managing Add-On Feeds with REST API v2</span><p>Getting FeedsMethodPathRequired PropertiesOptional PropertiesResponseUsage ExamplesExample 1Example 2Example 3Getting a Specific FeedMethodPathRequired PropertiesOptional PropertiesResponseUsage ExamplesExample 1Getting Feeds for a Specific FormMethodPathRequired PropertiesOptional PropertiesResponseUsage ExamplesExample 1Example 2Example 3Adding a FeedMethodPathRequired PropertiesOptional PropertiesResponseUsage ExamplesExample RequestExample ResponseAdding a Feed for a Specific FormMethodPathRequired PropertiesOptional PropertiesResponseUsage ExamplesExample RequestExample ResponseUpdating a FeedMethodPathRequired PropertiesOptional PropertiesResponseUsage ExamplesExample RequestExample ResponsePartially Updating a FeedMethodPathRequired PropertiesOptional PropertiesResponseUsage ExamplesExample RequestExample ResponseUpdating Specific Feed PropertiesMethodPathRequired PropertiesOptional PropertiesResponseUsage ExamplesExample RequestExample ResponseDeleting a Specific FeedMethodPathRequired PropertiesOptional PropertiesResponseUsage ExamplesExample 1</p> <p>Getting Feeds<br /> Method<br /> GET<br /> Path<br /> /gf/v2/feeds<br /> Required Properties<br /> There are no required properties.<br /> Optional Properties</p> <p>include – The ID of the Feed or an array of Feed IDs.<br /> addon – The slug of the add-on to which the Feeds belong, including the gravityforms prefix. See the Gravity Forms Add-On Slugs article for a list of possible slugs.</p> <p>Response<br /> The JSON response will contain an array of Feed Objects.<br /> [<br /> {<br /> "id": "1",<br /> "form_id": "0",<br /> "addon_slug": "gravityformscoupons",<br /> "meta": {<br /> "gravityForm": "0",<br /> "couponName": "Military Discount",<br /> "couponCode": "MD10",<br /> "couponAmountType": "percentage",<br /> "couponAmount": 10,<br /> "startDate": "",<br /> "endDate": "",<br /> "usageLimit": "",<br /> "isStackable": "0",<br /> "usageCount": 5<br /> }<br /> },<br /> {<br /> "id": "6",<br /> "form_id": "8",<br /> "addon_slug": "gravityformswebhooks",<br /> "meta": {<br /> "feedName": "My Test",<br /> "requestURL": "",<br /> "requestMethod": "POST",<br /> "requestFormat": "form",<br /> "requestHeaders": [<br /> {<br /> "key": "gf_custom",<br /> "value": "id",<br /> "custom_key": "MyCustomKey",<br /> "custom_value": ""<br /> }<br /> ],<br /> "requestBodyType": "all_fields",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic": "0",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic_object": []<br /> }<br /> },<br /> {<br /> "id": "34",<br /> "form_id": "190",<br /> "addon_slug": "gravityformsmailchimp",<br /> "meta": {<br /> "feedName": "Test API Feed Creation 10",<br /> "mailchimpList": "b19814053f",<br /> "mappedFields_EMAIL": "2",<br /> "mappedFields_FNAME": "1.3",<br /> "mappedFields_LNAME": "1.6",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE4": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE5": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE6": "",<br /> "double_optin": "1",<br /> "markAsVIP": "0",<br /> "note": "",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic": "0",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic_object": []<br /> }<br /> }<br /> ]</p> <p>Usage Examples<br /> Example 1<br /> This example shows how you can get all active feeds for all forms.<br /><br /> Example 2<br /> This example shows how you can get specific feeds.<br />[0]=1&include[1]=32<br /> Example 3<br /> This example shows how you can get all feeds for a specific add-on.<br /><br /> Getting a Specific Feed<br /> Method<br /> GET<br /> Path<br /> /gf/v2/feeds/[FEED_ID]<br /> Required Properties<br /> There are no required properties.<br /> Optional Properties<br /> There are no optional properties.<br /> Response<br /> The JSON response will contain a Feed Object.<br /> {<br /> "id": "1",<br /> "form_id": "0",<br /> "addon_slug": "gravityformscoupons",<br /> "meta": {<br /> "gravityForm": "0",<br /> "couponName": "Military Discount",<br /> "couponCode": "MD10",<br /> "couponAmountType": "percentage",<br /> "couponAmount": 10,<br /> "startDate": "",<br /> "endDate": "",<br /> "usageLimit": "",<br /> "isStackable": "0",<br /> "usageCount": 5<br /> }<br /> }</p> <p>Usage Examples<br /> Example 1<br /> This example shows how you can get a specific feed, in this case feed ID 1.<br /><br /> Getting Feeds for a Specific Form<br /> Method<br /> GET<br /> Path<br /> /gf/v2/forms/[FORM_ID]/feeds<br /> Required Properties<br /> There are no required properties.<br /> Optional Properties</p> <p>include – The ID of the Feed or an array of Feed IDs.<br /> addon – The slug of the add-on to which the Feeds belong, including the gravityforms prefix. See the Gravity Forms Add-On Slugs article for a list of possible slugs.</p> <p>Response<br /> The JSON response will contain an array of Feed Objects for the specified form.<br /> [<br /> {<br /> "id": "30",<br /> "form_id": "190",<br /> "addon_slug": "gravityformsmailchimp",<br /> "meta": {<br /> "feedName": "MailChimp Feed 2",<br /> "mailchimpList": "b19814053f",<br /> "mappedFields_EMAIL": "2",<br /> "mappedFields_FNAME": "1.3",<br /> "mappedFields_LNAME": "1.6",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE4": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE5": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE6": "",<br /> "double_optin": "1",<br /> "markAsVIP": "0",<br /> "note": "",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic": "0",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic_object": []<br /> }<br /> },<br /> {<br /> "id": "31",<br /> "form_id": "190",<br /> "addon_slug": "gravityformsuserregistration",<br /> "meta": {<br /> "feedName": "User Registration Feed 4",<br /> "feedType": "create",<br /> "username": "1",<br /> "first_name": "1.3",<br /> "last_name": "1.6",<br /> "nickname": "",<br /> "displayname": "nickname",<br /> "email": "2",<br /> "password": "generatepass",<br /> "role": "editor",<br /> "userMeta": "",<br /> "sendEmail": "1",<br /> "userActivationEnable": "0",<br /> "userActivationValue": "email",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic": "0",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic_object": []<br /> }<br /> }<br /> ]</p> <p>Usage Examples<br /> Example 1<br /> This example shows how you can get all active feeds for a specific form, in this case form ID 190.<br /><br /> Example 2<br /> This example shows how you can get specific active feeds for a specific form, in this case form ID 190.<br />[0]=31&include[1]=32<br /> Example 3<br /> This example shows how you can get all active Mailchimp feeds for a specific form, in this case form ID 190.<br /><br /> Adding a Feed<br /> Method<br /> POST<br /> Path<br /> /gf/v2/feeds<br /> Required Properties<br /> Sent as JSON in the request body.</p> <p>form_id – The ID of the Form the Feed is for.<br /> meta – The feed properties, see the meta property of the Feed Object.<br /> addon_slug – The slug of the add-on to which the Feeds belong, including the gravityforms prefix. See the Gravity Forms Add-On Slugs article for a list of possible slugs.</p> <p>Optional Properties<br /> There are no optional properties.<br /> Response<br /> The JSON response will contain a Feed Object.<br /> Usage Examples<br /> Example Request<br /><br /> {<br /> "form_id": "180",<br /> "addon_slug": "gravityformsmailchimp",<br /> "meta": {<br /> "feedName": "Test API Feed Creation",<br /> "mailchimpList": "b19814053f",<br /> "mappedFields_EMAIL": "2",<br /> "mappedFields_FNAME": "1.3",<br /> "mappedFields_LNAME": "1.6",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE4": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE5": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE6": "",<br /> "double_optin": "1",<br /> "markAsVIP": "0",<br /> "note": "",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic": "0",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic_object": []<br /> }<br /> }</p> <p>Example Response<br /> {<br /> "form_id": 180,<br /> "addon_slug": "gravityformsmailchimp",<br /> "meta": {<br /> "feedName": "Test API Feed Creation x",<br /> "mailchimpList": "b19814053f",<br /> "mappedFields_EMAIL": "2",<br /> "mappedFields_FNAME": "1.3",<br /> "mappedFields_LNAME": "1.6",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE4": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE5": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE6": "",<br /> "double_optin": "1",<br /> "markAsVIP": "0",<br /> "note": "",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic": "0",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic_object": []<br /> },<br /> "id": 39<br /> }</p> <p>Adding a Feed for a Specific Form<br /> Method<br /> POST<br /> Path<br /> /gf/v2/forms/[FORM_ID]/feeds<br /> Required Properties<br /> Sent as JSON in the request body.</p> <p>meta – The feed properties, see the meta property of the Feed Object.<br /> addon_slug – The slug of the add-on to which the Feeds belong, including the gravityforms prefix. See the Gravity Forms Add-On Slugs article for a list of possible slugs.</p> <p>Optional Properties<br /> There are no optional properties.<br /> Response<br /> The JSON response will contain a Feed Object.<br /> Usage Examples<br /> Example Request<br /><br /> {<br /> "addon_slug": "gravityformsmailchimp",<br /> "meta": {<br /> "feedName": "Test API Feed Creation",<br /> "mailchimpList": "b19814053f",<br /> "mappedFields_EMAIL": "2",<br /> "mappedFields_FNAME": "1.3",<br /> "mappedFields_LNAME": "1.6",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE4": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE5": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE6": "",<br /> "double_optin": "1",<br /> "markAsVIP": "0",<br /> "note": "",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic": "0",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic_object": []<br /> }<br /> }</p> <p>Example Response<br /> {<br /> "form_id": 180,<br /> "addon_slug": "gravityformsmailchimp",<br /> "meta": {<br /> "feedName": "Test API Feed Creation",<br /> "mailchimpList": "b19814053f",<br /> "mappedFields_EMAIL": "2",<br /> "mappedFields_FNAME": "1.3",<br /> "mappedFields_LNAME": "1.6",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE4": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE5": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE6": "",<br /> "double_optin": "1",<br /> "markAsVIP": "0",<br /> "note": "",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic": "0",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic_object": []<br /> },<br /> "id": 39<br /> }</p> <p>Updating a Feed<br /> Note: prior to version only the feed meta was updated, now the entire feed is updated.<br /> Method<br /> PUT<br /> Path<br /> /gf/v2/feeds/[FEED_ID]<br /> Required Properties<br /> Sent as JSON in the request body.</p> <p>form_id – The ID of the Form the Feed is for.<br /> meta – The feed properties, see the meta property of the Feed Object.<br /> addon_slug – The slug of the add-on to which the Feeds belong, including the gravityforms prefix. See the Gravity Forms Add-On Slugs article for a list of possible slugs.</p> <p>Optional Properties<br /> Sent as JSON in the request body.</p> <p>is_active – Boolean indicating if the feed is active or inactive.<br /> feed_order – Integer indicating the order the feed will be displayed in the feeds list for the form. Also applies to submission time feed processing. Not all add-ons support feed ordering.</p> <p>Response<br /> The JSON response will contain a Feed Object.<br /> Usage Examples<br /> Example Request<br /><br /> {<br /> "form_id": "180",<br /> "addon_slug": "gravityformsmailchimp",<br /> "meta": {<br /> "feedName": "Test API Feed Update",<br /> "mailchimpList": "b19814053f",<br /> "mappedFields_EMAIL": "2",<br /> "mappedFields_FNAME": "1.3",<br /> "mappedFields_LNAME": "1.6",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE4": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE5": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE6": "",<br /> "double_optin": "1",<br /> "markAsVIP": "0",<br /> "note": "",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic": "0",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic_object": []<br /> }<br /> }</p> <p>Example Response<br /> {<br /> "form_id": "180",<br /> "addon_slug": "gravityformsmailchimp",<br /> "meta": {<br /> "feedName": "Test API Feed Update",<br /> "mailchimpList": "b19814053f",<br /> "mappedFields_EMAIL": "2",<br /> "mappedFields_FNAME": "1.3",<br /> "mappedFields_LNAME": "1.6",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE4": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE5": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE6": "",<br /> "double_optin": "1",<br /> "markAsVIP": "0",<br /> "note": "",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic": "0",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic_object": []<br /> },<br /> "id": "39"<br /> }</p> <p>Partially Updating a Feed<br /> Support for patching feeds was added in version<br /> Method<br /> PATCH<br /> Path<br /> /gf/v2/feeds/[FEED_ID]<br /> Required Properties<br /> There are no required properties.<br /> Optional Properties<br /> One or more properties to be updated sent as JSON in the request body.</p> <p>form_id – The ID of the Form the Feed is for.<br /> meta – The feed properties, see the meta property of the Feed Object. Only meta properties included in the request will be updated. Any properties not included in the request will remain configured.<br /> addon_slug – The slug of the add-on to which the Feeds belong, including the gravityforms prefix. See the Gravity Forms Add-On Slugs article for a list of possible slugs.<br /> is_active – Boolean indicating if the feed is active or inactive.<br /> feed_order – Integer indicating the order the feed will be displayed in the feeds list for the form. Also applies to submission time feed processing. Not all add-ons support feed ordering.</p> <p>Response<br /> The JSON response will contain a Feed Object.<br /> Usage Examples<br /> Example Request<br /> This example shows how to update a feed meta property without having to pass the entire feed.<br /><br /> {<br /> "meta": {<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE4": "3"<br /> }<br /> }</p> <p>Example Response<br /> {<br /> "form_id": "180",<br /> "addon_slug": "gravityformsmailchimp",<br /> "meta": {<br /> "feedName": "Test API Feed Update",<br /> "mailchimpList": "b19814053f",<br /> "mappedFields_EMAIL": "2",<br /> "mappedFields_FNAME": "1.3",<br /> "mappedFields_LNAME": "1.6",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE4": "3",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE5": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE6": "",<br /> "double_optin": "1",<br /> "markAsVIP": "0",<br /> "note": "",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic": "0",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic_object": []<br /> },<br /> "id": "39"<br /> }</p> <p>Updating Specific Feed Properties<br /> Support for updating specific feed properties feeds was added in version<br /> Method<br /> PUT<br /> Path<br /> /gf/v2/feeds/[FEED_ID]/properties<br /> Required Properties<br /> There are no required properties.<br /> Optional Properties<br /> One or more properties to be updated sent as JSON in the request body.</p> <p>form_id – The ID of the Form the Feed is for.<br /> meta – The feed properties, see the meta property of the Feed Object. You must pass all the meta properties, any not included will be deleted.<br /> addon_slug – The slug of the add-on to which the Feeds belong, including the gravityforms prefix. See the Gravity Forms Add-On Slugs article for a list of possible slugs.<br /> is_active – Boolean indicating if the feed is active or inactive.<br /> feed_order – Integer indicating the order the feed will be displayed in the feeds list for the form. Also applies to submission time feed processing. Not all add-ons support feed ordering.</p> <p>Response<br /> The response will contain a message indicating if the operation was successful<br /> Usage Examples<br /> Example Request<br /> This example shows how to update a feed meta property without having to pass the entire feed.<br /><br /> {<br /> "is_active": false<br /> }</p> <p>Example Response<br /> Feed updated successfully</p> <p>Deleting a Specific Feed<br /> Method<br /> DELETE<br /> Path<br /> /gf/v2/feeds/[FEED_ID]<br /> Required Properties<br /> There are no required properties.<br /> Optional Properties<br /> There are no optional properties.<br /> Response<br /> The JSON response will indicate if the feed was deleted and will also contain the deleted Feed Object.<br /> {<br /> "deleted": true,<br /> "previous": {<br /> "id": "39",<br /> "form_id": "180",<br /> "addon_slug": "gravityformsmailchimp",<br /> "meta": {<br /> "feedName": "Test API Feed Creation",<br /> "mailchimpList": "b19814053f",<br /> "mappedFields_EMAIL": "2",<br /> "mappedFields_FNAME": "1.3",<br /> "mappedFields_LNAME": "1.6",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE4": "3",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE5": "",<br /> "mappedFields_MMERGE6": "",<br /> "double_optin": "1",<br /> "markAsVIP": "0",<br /> "note": "",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic": "0",<br /> "feed_condition_conditional_logic_object": []<br /> }<br /> }<br /> }</p> <p>Usage Examples<br /> Example 1<br /> This example shows how you can delete a specific feed, in this case feed ID 1.<br /></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="posted-on"><span class="screen-reader-text">发布于 </span><a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2021-12-28T04:33:50+08:00">2021 年 12 月 28 日</time><time class="updated" datetime="2021-12-28T13:04:43+08:00">2021 年 12 月 28 日</time></a></span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">Leave a comment</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-1213 --> <article id="post-1212" class="post-1212 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-document"> <header class="entry-header"> <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Managing the Gravity Forms License Key with WP-CLI</a></h2> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <span class="screen-reader-text">Managing the Gravity Forms License Key with WP-CLI</span><p>Updating the License KeyExamplesParametersDeleting the License KeyExamples</p> <p> Using the Gravity Forms CLI Add-On and the following commands you can update and delete the Gravity Forms license key from the command line.<br /> Updating the License Key<br /> wp gf license update<br /> Updates the Gravity Forms license key.<br /> Examples<br /> 123# Updating the plugin to use the specified license key.$ wp gf license update abc123License key updated<br /> Parameters</p> <p>Argument<br /> Description</p> <p>[<license-key>]<br /> A valid Gravity Forms license key.</p> <p>Deleting the License Key<br /> wp gf license delete<br /> Deletes the Gravity Forms license key.<br /> Examples<br /> 123# Deleting license key from the plugin.$ wp gf license deleteLicense key deleted</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="posted-on"><span class="screen-reader-text">发布于 </span><a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2021-12-28T04:33:50+08:00">2021 年 12 月 28 日</time><time class="updated" datetime="2021-12-28T13:04:42+08:00">2021 年 12 月 28 日</time></a></span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">Leave a comment</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-1212 --> <nav class="navigation pagination" aria-label="文章分页"> <h2 class="screen-reader-text">文章分页</h2> <div class="nav-links"><a class="prev page-numbers" href="">上一页</a> <a class="page-numbers" href=""><span class="meta-nav screen-reader-text">页 </span>1</a> <span class="page-numbers dots">…</span> <a class="page-numbers" href=""><span 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