The simple_condition Helper

The simple_condition Helper

IntroductionInclude the custom settingDefine custom_logic_type field markupPopulate the fields drop downEvaluate the rules

When using the Settings API there may be times when you need a field type which allows the user to define a simple conditional logic rule, that』s where the simple_condition() function helps.

Include the custom setting
Because there isn』t an actual simple_condition field type you would need to create your own Custom Field Type. In this example our custom field type will be named custom_logic_type, it is defined in the settings fields array like so:
12345array(    'label' => esc_html__( 'Simple condition', 'simpleaddon' ),    'type'  => 'custom_logic_type',    'name'  => 'custom_logic',),
Define custom_logic_type field markup
Now the setting has been included we need to define the markup for the custom_logic_type field type so it can be displayed on the settings page.
Because we don』t want the simple condition settings to be used all the time we will add a checkbox which can be used to enable/disable them. An onlclick event will be added to the checkbox to show/hide the div containing the simple condition settings.
1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132public function settings_custom_logic_type( $field, $echo = true ) {     // Get the setting name.    $name = $field['name'];     // Define the properties for the checkbox to be used to enable/disable access to the simple condition settings.    $checkbox_field = array(        'name'    => $name,        'type'    => 'checkbox',        'choices' => array(            array(                'label' => esc_html__( 'Enabled', 'simpleaddon' ),                'name'  => $name . '_enabled',            ),        ),        'onclick' => "if(this.checked){jQuery('#{$name}_condition_container').show();} else{jQuery('#{$name}_condition_container').hide();}",    );     // Determine if the checkbox is checked, if not the simple condition settings should be hidden.    $is_enabled      = $this->get_setting( $name . '_enabled' ) == '1';    $container_style = ! $is_enabled ? "style='display:none;'" : '';     // Put together the field markup.    $str = sprintf( "%s


",        $this->settings_checkbox( $checkbox_field, false ),        $name,        $container_style,        $this->simple_condition( $name )    );     echo $str;}
Populate the fields drop down
We need to define which fields are to be available for selection in the simple condition settings fields drop down.
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233public function get_conditional_logic_fields() {    $form   = $this->get_current_form();    $fields = array();    foreach ( $form['fields'] as $field ) {        if ( $field->is_conditional_logic_supported() ) {            $inputs = $field->get_entry_inputs();             if ( $inputs ) {                $choices = array();                 foreach ( $inputs as $input ) {                    if ( rgar( $input, 'isHidden' ) ) {                        continue;                    }                    $choices[] = array(                        'value' => $input['id'],                        'label' => GFCommon::get_label( $field, $input['id'], true )                    );                }                 if ( ! empty( $choices ) ) {                    $fields[] = array( 'choices' => $choices, 'label' => GFCommon::get_label( $field ) );                }             } else {                $fields[] = array( 'value' => $field->id, 'label' => GFCommon::get_label( $field ) );            }         }    }     return $fields;}
Evaluate the rules
To evaluate the rules the user configured for the custom_logic setting we will need to create a custom helper function. In this example the setting is being used on a form settings page so we need to retrieve them from the form settings. If the settings are being used on a feed settings page you would need to retrieve them from the $feed[『meta』].
1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526public function is_custom_logic_met( $form, $entry ) {    $settings = $this->get_form_settings( $form );     $name       = 'custom_logic';    $is_enabled = rgar( $settings, $name . '_enabled' );     if ( ! $is_enabled ) {        // The setting is not enabled so we handle it as if the rules are met.         return true;    }     // Build the logic array to be used by Gravity Forms when evaluating the rules.    $logic = array(        'logicType' => 'all',        'rules'     => array(            array(                'fieldId'  => rgar( $settings, $name . '_field_id' ),                'operator' => rgar( $settings, $name . '_operator' ),                'value'    => rgar( $settings, $name . '_value' ),            ),        )    );     return GFCommon::evaluate_conditional_logic( $logic, $form, $entry );}
This helper can then be used wherever you need to evaluate the rules, in the sample add-on available on GitHub the helper is used to determine if a custom action should be performed at the end of the form submission process.
123456789public function after_submission( $entry, $form ) {     // Evaluate the rules configured for the custom_logic setting.    $result = $this->is_custom_logic_met( $form, $entry );     if ( $result ) {        // Do something awesome because the rules were met.    }}


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