Trello Feed Meta

Trello Feed Meta


The Feed Object meta for the Trello add-on is an associative array containing the properties which determine how the add-on should process the form submission.
$feed['meta'] = array(
'feedName' => 'Trello Feed 1',
'feed_condition_conditional_logic' => true,
'feed_condition_conditional_logic_object' => array(
'conditionalLogic' => array(),

We recommend accessing the $feed meta using the rgar() or rgars() functions, e.g.:
$conditional_logic_enabled = rgars( $feed, 'meta/feed_condition_conditional_logic' );


feedName string
The feed name which appears on the add-ons feeds tab.

board string
The Trello ID of the board the card will be added to.

list string
The Trello ID of the list the card will be added to.

cardName string
The name to be assigned to the card. Merge tags are supported.

cardDescription string
The description to be assigned to the card. Merge tags are supported.

cardDueDate string
The ID of the date field or a custom value. Possible values: The ID of a Date type field or gf_custom

cardDueDate_custom integer
The number of days after today, used when the value of cardDueDate is gf_custom.

cardLabels array
'green' => true,
'red' => false,
'yellow' => false,
'purple' => false,
'orange' => false,
'blue' => false,

An associative array of labels with the color as the key to a boolean indicating if the label should be applied to the card.

cardMembers array

An associative array with the member ID as the key to a boolean indicating if the member should be assigned to the card.

cardAttachments array
'10' => true,
'11' => false,

An array of file upload fields. The field ID is the key with a boolean value indicating if the files for that field should be attached to the card.

feed_condition_conditional_logic boolean
Is the feed condition (conditional logic) setting enabled. Default is false.

feed_condition_conditional_logic_object array
An associative array containing the conditional logic rules. See the Conditional Logic Object for more details.


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