Gravity Forms Settings Page

Gravity Forms Settings Page

OverviewGeneral SettingsreCAPTCHA v2 SettingsreCaptcha API KeysSite Key and Secret KeyType


The Gravity Forms Settings panel within your WordPress admin area is where you can set a variety of plugin wide options. To navigate to the settings panel, hover over 「Forms」 in your WordPress admin sidebar, and choose 「Settings」. If you do not have a Forms panel in the sidebar, then you will need to install Gravity Forms first and make sure it has been activated via your WordPress admin Plugins settings.

General Settings

SettingDescriptionSupport License KeyEnter your support license key in this field. Your support license key is used to access automatic updates. The message Output Default CSSOutputs Gravity Forms default CSS. Disable this if you plan to create your own CSS.Default CurrencySelect the Currency setting for all forms on this website.LoggingEnable if you would like logging within Gravity Forms. Logging allows you to easily debug the inner workings of Gravity Forms to solve any possible issues.Toolbar MenuEnable to display the forms menu in the WordPress top toolbar. The forms menu will display the ten forms recently opened in the form editor.Automatic Background UpdatesEnabling this will allow Gravity Forms to automatically update in the background. It requires a valid license key.No Conflict ModeEnable to prevent extraneous scripts and styles from being printed on a Gravity Forms admin pages, reducing conflicts with other plugins and themes.Output HTML5Disable this option if you would like to prevent the plugin from outputting HTML5 form fields.

reCAPTCHA v2 Settings

Note that reCAPTCHA v2 settings (and the new reCAPTCHA v3 functionality) are now available with the dedicated Gravity Forms reCAPTCHA Add-On. Refer to that documentation here.

The Gravity Forms Captcha field integrates with reCAPTCHA version 2, a free Google service that helps protect your forms from spam bots. To use this service, you will need to setup your API keys and choose your type here.

reCaptcha API Keys

A matched pair containing a site key and a secret key are required to link the reCaptcha v2 service to your Gravity Forms site installation. You will need to sign up for a free account to get your keys. From there, you can generate one or more pairs of the type of reCaptcha keys you wish to implement.

IMPORTANT: Make sure to use the correct domain value during the key setup at your reCAPTCHA account. The value can』t contain the protocol prefix, it』s recommended to use just the domain without www. or anything. If your site URL is we recommend you to use
If you use an invalid domain value during the setup, the reCAPTCHA field will display an Invalid domain for site key error.

Site Key and Secret Key

Enter your key pair here.


As of Gravity Forms v2.4.7, Gravity Forms』 Captcha field supports the reCaptcha types of v2 Checkbox and v2 Invisible.

The checkbox keys will only allow you to add a v2 checkbox on your form, while v2 Invisible keys will allow you to choose either v2 reCaptcha type. Note that this is a site wide setting, and as such, you cannot vary the reCaptcha type used from form to form on the same site.

Choose the reCaptcha v2 type you want, from the choices of Checkbox or Invisible. If your keys are compatible will see the reCaptcha box and be asked to complete it to finalize your setup.

If you enter a key pair for checkbox and try to select invisible reCaptcha, the Google service will return an error message within the reCaptcha frame.

An invisible key pair is valid for either type, working with v2 checkbox and v2 invisible.

Setting Up the Twilio Add-On

Setting Up the Twilio Add-On

Pre-RequisitesSetupTwilio Account InformationBitly Account InformationNext Step: Create a FeedScreenshots


Download and install the add-on
A Twilio account


Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.
On the left side navigation menu, hover over Forms and click on Settings.
From this page, click the Twilio tab. Here you will see two sections, one for Twilio Account information, and one for your Bitly account information.

Twilio Account Information

Select your API Mode.
Enter your Account SID, Auth Token, Test Account SID, and Test Auth Token. These are obtained from Twilio. If you are unsure of how to obtain your account information, take a look at our article on Obtaining Your Twilio API Key.

Bitly Account Information
You can integrate your links with Bitly for shortening and tracking. You will need to generate an access token. Refer to your Bitly account settings, or see this article from their documentation pages.
Note: As of September 14th, 2020, Bitly have deprecated all earlier API versions, and now require all authentication to happen via OAuth (deprecating their older API key integration method). If you notice that URLs for a previously working feed are no longer being shortened, visit the Settings page described in this article, and confirm that you have properly entered a Bitly OAuth token.
Next Step: Create a Feed
Once all your settings are complete, click Save Settings. If you』ve entered your account information correctly, you will be notified by a green check mark beside each box. If you do not see green check marks, double check this information and try again.
Now you are ready to begin creating a feed for the Twilio Add-On.
Image: the official Gravity Forms Twilio Add-On Settings page.

Setting Up the Signature Add-On

Setting Up the Signature Add-On



WordPress v4.9+
Gravity Forms v1.9.14+
PHP 5.6+ with GD library support
Download and install the add-on

The Gravity Forms Signature Add-On requires your web server』s PHP configuration to have the GD library installed and working properly. The GD library is used to create the signature image file on the server.
Setting up the Gravity Forms Signature Add-On is easy. Once you have installed and activated the plugin, you』re done!
Now you』re ready to begin using the Signature Add-On.

Setting Up the PayPal Pro Add-On

Setting Up the PayPal Pro Add-On


DEPRECATION NOTICE: The PayPal Pro Add-On is no longer being updated by Gravity Forms, and is no longer available for download. It uses a legacy PayPal API no longer being actively developed by PayPal, and is not compatible with modern PayPal accounts. It has been replaced in our plug-in library by other PayPal add-ons.

SSL certificate installed and configured
Download and install the add-on
A PayPal Pro account
A form with a Pricing field and a Credit Card field

The Gravity Forms PayPal Pro Add-On requires the use of the Pricing Fields in Gravity Forms v1.6.3+ and will not work with older versions of Gravity Forms.
Because of the secure nature of capturing credit card information, you will also be required to purchase and install an SSL certificate on your web site. You will also need to configure your WordPress site to work properly with SSL.
Contact your web host if you need assistance purchasing and configuring an SSL certificate.
If you need assistance configuring your WordPress site to work with SSL, we recommend the WordPress HTTPS (SSL) Plugin which you can find here:

Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.
On the left side navigation menu, hover over Forms and click on Settings.
From this page, click the PayPal Pro tab.
Select the API for PayPal Pro integration. Live uses the live PayPal Pro API for real transactions, and Sandbox uses PayPal』s developer sandbox account for test transactions. Please Note: Using PayPal』s Sandbox API requires a PayPal developer account which you can sign up for here:
Enter the API Username, API Password, and API Signature for your PayPal Pro account.
Verify IPN has been enabled in your PayPal Pro account in order to enable Recurring Payments.
Click Update Settings. If you』ve entered your account information correctly, you will be notified by green check marks beside each box. If you do not see green check marks, please double check this information and try again.

Once you have entered your API information, you』re ready to begin creating a feed for the PayPal Pro Add-On.

Notification Settings

Notification Settings

NameEventSend ToEnter EmailSelect a FieldSend to FieldConfigure RoutingSend toIfComparisonValueFrom NameFrom EmailReply ToBCCSubjectMessageAttachmentsAuto-formattingConditional Logic

Within the Gravity Forms notification settings, there are various different options that can be configured. This article serves as a reference for the various settings available when configuring Gravity Forms notifications. For more of a walkthrough of setting up notifications, take a look at our article on configuring notifications in Gravity Forms.


This setting is the name of your new notification. It is used for reference to make your notifications easier to identify within the Gravity Forms settings.


This setting defines the event that will trigger the notification. Depending on your existing form settings, the following selections may be available:

EventDescriptionForm is submittedThis action is triggered when a form submission is completed.Form is savedThis action is triggered when a form is saved using the Save and Continue functionality. Only available if Save and Continue is enabled on the form.Save and continue email is requestedThis action is triggered when the form submitter requests an email containing their Save and Continue details. Only available if Save and Continue is enabled on the form.

Send To

This setting allows you to send the notification email to a specific recipient.

Enter Email

This field is used to define the email address that the notification will be sent to. This field supports static text as well as merge tags.

Select a Field

This setting allows you to send the notification to the value of a field submission.

Send to Field

This dropdown contains available fields in which the value will be used to send the notification. For example, if you have an email field within your form and want to send the notification to the email address submitted in that field, you would use this to select the desired email field.

Configure Routing

This setting allows you to configure conditional rules to determine where the notification will be sent.

Send to

This portion of the setting allows you to set the email address to send to if the condition is met. This option supports static text as well as merge tags.


Within these fields, you will configure the condition that would need to be met.

Within this dropdown, you will select the field to be used when checking the condition. For example, if you want to check to see if a specific radio button has been selected, you would set that radio button field within this dropdown.


Here, you will define the method of comparison between the field and the value. The following operators are available:is; is not; greater than; less than; contains; starts with; ends with.


This is the value that you would like to compare the field to.

From Name

This setting will set the name displayed to the recipient when receiving the notification. This option supports static text as well as merge tags.

From Email

This setting will determine which email will be listed as the sender within the notification.

Reply To

If replies should be sent to a different email than the one that the notification is sent from, you can define that email address here. This option supports static text as well as merge tags.


If additional recipients should be added to the notification via BCC, they can be added here. This option supports static text as well as merge tags.


This is the subject that will be shown to the recipient when receiving the notification. This option supports static text as well as merge tags.


This is the message content that will be sent within the notification. This option supports static text as well as merge tags.


This option appears when there are File Upload fields on the form. Check this box to include uploaded files when the notification is sent. This is available with Gravity Forms version 2.4.


By default, HTML line breaks will be automatically included within the message content. By enabling this setting, line breaks will not automatically be placed.

Conditional Logic

This setting enables conditional logic on the notification as a whole. For more information, visit our article on configuring conditional logic.

Setting Up the Zapier Add-On

Setting Up the Zapier Add-On

Pre-RequisitesTerms UsedSetupCreate a REST API Key to Connect to ZapierAuthenticating at ZapierChanges Between Zapier Add-On 4.0 and Prior VersionsApp Connection (Zapier v2.0+) – REST APIZap Connection (Zapier v1.0) – Legacy WebhookTroubleshooting Connections with ZapierConclusion


Download and install the add-onA Zapier accountSigning up can be done quickly and easily and includes a 14-day free trial which gives you access to every regular and premium app. After the free trial, you can continue to use the free plan or select one of the available premium plans.An account that has the gravityforms_edit_forms capability, for use in the REST API Settings.SSL Certificate Installed and ConfiguredWebsite accessible to the Internet. The authentication from Zapier to Gravity Forms uses REST API so your website must be accessible to Zapier.

Terms Used

There are two ends to a communication between Zapier and your Gravity Forms, and it is important to distinguish which one is being referred to in the user documentation.

Zapier Add-On (or Gravity Forms Zapier Add-On), refers to the add-on module that is developed and published by Gravity Forms, and made available to Gravity Forms active license holders with the appropriate license type. The Gravity Forms Zapier Add-On is developed and supported by Gravity Forms.Zapier』s Gravity Forms app or Gravity Forms app refers to the Gravity Forms integration application that is developed and supported by Zapier. These apps are made available within the Zapier environment for use in Zaps. Zapier apps are developed and supported by Zapier.Zapier Account Dashboard refers to the account portal provided by Zapier for registered users to login and manage Zapier applications. See this link.


Create a REST API Key to Connect to Zapier

To establish communication between your WordPress site and Zapier, you will need to create a Gravity Forms REST API 2 key to identify your connection to Zapier.

The user selected when creating the REST API key must be assigned to a role which has the gravityforms_edit_forms capability.

Follow these steps in the Forms > Settings > REST API to create a new Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. Save this information in a secure place as you will need it for the next step to Authenticate at Zapier and you will not be able to edit or access this information again without creating a new REST API key.

Authenticating at Zapier

Now that you have your Consumer Key & Consumer Secret, go into My Apps in your Zapier Account Dashboard, click on Add Connection and search for Gravity Forms

Click on Gravity Forms and you』ll be presented with an Authentication screen from Zapier to 「Allow Zapier to access your Gravity Forms Account」

Complete the steps to authenticate with your website through REST API:

Site URL: The Site URL is the base website URL where your form resides, ie or You can pull the Site URL from your Settings > General > Site URL in the WordPress dashboard.Consumer Key: Collected from your step above when creating the REST API KeyConsumer Secret: Collected from the step above when creating the REST API key.

If your connection is successful, you』ll be returned to your Gravity Forms connections in the Zapier Account Dashboard and your new connection will be listed:

If your connection is not successful, you』ll be presented with an error in the Authentication dialogue and you will need to begin troubleshooting your connection or open a Support Ticket with Gravity Forms.

Once you have installed and authenticated the Zapier Add-On, you』re ready to begin using the Zapier Add-On.

Changes Between Zapier Add-On 4.0 and Prior Versions

Under prior versions of our Zapier Add-On, authentication to Zapier was managed at Zapier under Zaps with a webhook provided by Zapier and entered under the Zapier Feed Settings for each individual form. This was the Zapier v1.0 connection.

Under the current version of the Add-On that supports Zapier v2.0, authentication is managed at Zapier under My Apps using the REST API settings in Gravity Forms, Forms, Settings, REST API to create a website specific connection for Zapier. This allows you to have one App for each website under the Zapier Add-On for Gravity Forms and you can use the same Zapier App connection to manage multiple forms in your Zaps.

When troubleshooting your existing Zaps, you』ll know if your Zap is an 「App Connection」 (Current) or a 「Zap Connection」 (pre 4.0) if:

App Connection (Zapier v2.0+) – REST API

Gravity Forms REST API Connection in Zapier

Gravity Forms App under Custom Integrations in Zapier includes 『Gravity Forms』 (see screenshot above)Feed exists for the form within Gravity Forms (if you have toggled on Feed Visibility), but you can only edit Conditional Logic. All other feed settings are maintained at Zapier. Feed URL starts with (*)

Zap Connection (Zapier v1.0) – Legacy Webhook

Gravity Forms Legacy (Webhook) Connection in Zapier

Gravity Forms App under Custom Integrations in Zapier includes 『Legacy』 and 『Gravity Forms (1.1.0)』 (see screenshot above)Feed exists for the form within Gravity Forms and you can edit all details for the feed. Feed URL starts with (*)

Troubleshooting Connections with Zapier

If you run into issues connecting the Zapier Add-On at Zapier, please check out Troubleshooting the Zapier Add-On to help you get connected properly.


After you have installed and activated the Zapier Add-On, there is not much you need to do until you are ready to integrate a form with Zapier. There are no global settings or API keys that must be configured.

The Zapier Settings page that appears within the global Settings in Gravity Forms is only for uninstalling the Zapier Add-On and its associated data in your WordPress database. Zapier integration takes place primarily on the Zapier site itself and then from within the Form Settings of a form you would like to integrate with Zapier.

Once you have installed and activated the Zapier Add-On, you』re ready to begin using the Zapier Add-On.

Setting up the Akismet Add-On

Setting up the Akismet Add-On



You will need Gravity Forms, and the official Gravity Forms Akismet Add-On installed and active.The Akismet Spam Protection plugin must be installed and active. See this guide for information on setting up the Akismet plugin.A form that you want to connect to the Akismet service to check for spam on comments or entries.


Refer to this reference guide for a list of all the settings available to this add-on.

Ensure the Gravity Forms Akismet Add-On has the Akismet Integration global setting toggled to on (the default is on). Go to the Form Settings for the form you wish to integrate, and choose the Askimet settings tab. Ensure the Akismet Enabled setting is toggled to on. Check the defaults, or change as required, the mappings of your form fields to the standard fields Akismet requires. This will help set the expectation as to what Akismet is receiving, allowing the service to better judge whether you are getting spam or not.


After some time live and collecting entries, make sure you review your Entries list and look for any that have been marked as spam. As Akismet trains itself on your data, the service should improve in determining the difference between spam and non-spam entries for your form.

Setting Up the PayPal Payments Standard Add-On

Setting Up the PayPal Payments Standard Add-On



Download and install the add-onA PayPal Payments Standard account

Notice: As of September 2016, the PayPal IPN will require SSL/HTTPS on all IPN callbacks. If you are using the PayPal IPN, you will need to obtain an SSL certificate.


Once you have installed the PayPal Payments Standard Add-On, it』s time to set it up for use. Here』s how to easily set up the add-on to start accepting payments from your form.

As the PayPal Payments Standard Add-On uses IPN to receive notifications from PayPal that a payment has been successfully completed, you will need to configure the IPN within PayPal. If you are unsure of how to do so, review our article on configuring PayPal Standard IPN settings.Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.On the left side navigation menu, hover over Forms and click on Settings.Click the PayPal Payments Standard tab.

Select the checkbox labeled PayPal IPN Setting to confirm that you have configured your PayPal IPN settings to use the Gravity Forms PayPal Payments Standard Add-On.Click Update Settings.

That』s it! The PayPal Payments Standard Add-On is now configured. You』re ready to begin creating a feed for the PayPal Payments Standard Add-On.

Setting Up The EmailOctopus Add-On

Setting Up The EmailOctopus Add-On

Pre-RequisitesSetupAdd-on Framework Hooks


Download and install the add-on
An EmailOctopus account, that contains a list with fields associated.
An EmailOctopus API key, which can be found within your EmailOctopus API area.


Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.
On the left side navigation menu, hover over Forms and click on Settings.
From this page, click the EmailOctopus tab.
Enter the EmailOctopus API Key as mentioned in the Pre-requisites section.
Click Update Settings. If you』ve entered your account information correctly, you will be notified by a green check mark beside each box. If you do not see green check marks next to the credentials, double check your information and try again.

Once you have entered your API keys, you』re ready to begin creating a feed for the EmailOctopus Add-On.
Add-on Framework Hooks
Because this Add-On is built using the Add-On Framework it also inherits any hooks available in the framework methods it uses such as:

gform_short_slug_field_value for changing a field value before it is passed.

Setting Up the Authorize.Net Add-On

Setting Up the Authorize.Net Add-On



Download and install the add-on
An Authorize.Net account
Additional requirements


Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.
On the left side navigation menu, hover over Forms and click on Settings.
From this page, click the Authorize.Net tab.
The Mode setting allows you to switch between testing and production. Set this to Test to ensure everything is working and switch to Production once you』re satisfied with your setup.
Enter your API Login ID and Transaction Key. These are obtained from Authorize.Net.
Under Automated Recurring Billing Setup, check the ARB and Automatic Retry boxes if those options are enabled in your Authorize.Net account and you wish to utilize them for your form.
Click Update Settings. If you』ve entered your account information correctly, you will be notified by a green check mark beside each box. If you do not see green check marks next to the credentials, please double check this information and try again.

Once you have entered your API key, you』re ready to begin creating a feed for the Authorize.Net Add-On.