Setting up a Quiz Field

Setting up a Quiz Field

Pre-RequisitesField Level Quiz SettingsForm Level Quiz SettingsNext Steps


Setup the Quiz Add-On.A form with the Quiz field added to it.

Field Level Quiz Settings

Now that you have a quiz field added to your form, you will need to provide all the necessary settings data to configure it how you wish it to work.

All the Quiz field settings are explained in the Quiz Field user guide here.

Form Level Quiz Settings

Refer to this article on Quiz Settings for more information on.

Next Steps

If you want to add more questions to your form, simply add more Quiz fields and configure them accordingly.

Once your Quiz form is complete, you are ready to setup your quiz grading. Visit Setting Up Quiz Grading with the Quiz Add-On for instructions.

Creating a Feed for the Zapier Add-On

Creating a Feed for the Zapier Add-On

SummaryDefinitionsFeed VisibilityEditing FeedsWhy Would I Need to Edit Feeds?Editing Modern FeedsCreating a Feed for Legacy ZapsFeed Settings Screen

A feed sends information between Gravity Forms and Zapier. How Zapier and Gravity Forms display and configure feeds has changed with Zapier v4 and the updated Gravity Forms apps from Zapier. Where previously the setup and logic of feeds were managed primarily within Gravity Forms, the newer versions now shift that creation, management and control to the Zapier system.
This article describes some of the nuances of Zapier feeds, and clarifies what you can manage from within Gravity Forms.

In this article, when we refer to 「Zapier』s system」 or 「Zapier』s interface「, we mean those settings and features you access from within the Zapier service.
「Gravity Forms Zapier settings」 or 「Zapier Add-On settings」 means we are referring to settings available from within your official Gravity Forms Zapier Add-On.
Zapier will create a feed to Gravity Forms whenever you create a Zap from within the Zapier system. Zapier call these automatically created feeds 「modern feeds「.
Feeds created from within the Gravity Forms Zapier Add-On prior to v4, are referred to as 「legacy feeds「.

Feed Visibility
Feeds are hidden by default within the Gravity Forms Feed page, unless the form has existing legacy feeds.
The display of Zapier feeds within the Form Settings can be toggled on or off from the Gravity Forms Zapier Plugin Settings page under Forms → Settings → Zapier.

Editing Feeds
Once you have enabled display of Zapier feeds as directed above, you will have access to the Gravity Forms Zapier Add-On Feeds page.

What you can create or edit within your Feeds page is dependent upon the type of feeds you have.
Why Would I Need to Edit Feeds?

You need Conditional Logic Enabled for the Zap. By Default if you have a Zap connected to your Form, it will always run a task against that Zap whenever the form is submitted. If you want to prevent this in specific situations, you can use conditional logic to prevent the Zapier task from running in specific situations.
You have a legacy feed. Feeds created prior to Zapier Add-On 4.0 have direct webhook authentication from Zapier to your form.

Editing Modern Feeds
Modern feeds have most of the fields marked as read-only. You can only edit the 『Admin Labels』 setting and 『Conditional Logic』 fields from within Gravity Forms Zapier Add-On. All other settings are managed from within the Zapier system.

Use Admin Labels? Select Yes for this option if you would like Admin Labels for your fields to be sent to Zapier instead of the Label for the field.
Enable Conditional Logic. If unchecked, every successful form submission will be sent to Zapier. If you wish to set specific conditions for sending form data to Zapier, then check the 「Enable」 box and fill out your required criteria.

WARNING: If you toggle a Zap to disable it within Zapier』s Settings, it will delete the feed in your Gravity Forms Zapier Add-On. This will delete any configurations you have added for Admin Labels and Conditional Logic. Toggling it back on in Zapier』s settings will create a new feed, which will not have any of the previous feeds settings. This is a known issue and we are working with Zapier to correct it.
Creating a Feed for Legacy Zaps
To create a legacy feed to Zapier using the Zapier Add-On for Gravity Forms, do the following from your WordPress Admin Dashboard:

Click on Forms in the left side menu.
Select the form that you want to use with Zapier.
Once within your desired form, hover over Settings and click on Zapier.
Click Add New to create a new feed. You will be presented with the Zapier feed settings screen.

Feed Settings Screen
The following fields are available within the settings screen. Refer to the settings screenshot below.

Create your Zap Name. This name is here to give you an idea of what Zap is being executed upon submission of the form.
It is important that you copy your webhook URL from If you have it, paste it in the Webhook URL field. If you do not have your URL, visit Setting up your Zapier Zap to learn how to obtain it.
Under the Active option you can set the form submission status to be either active or inactive. By default this form is active. An inactive form will not trigger your action; however, an active form will.
The Use Admin Labels option allows you to send the field admin labels to Zapier when available.
Conditional Logic: If unchecked, every successful form submission will be sent to Zapier. If you wish to set specific conditions for sending form data to Zapier, then check the 「Enable」 box and fill out your required criteria.
Click the Save Zapier Feed button to save your options.

Setting Up the SendGrid Add-On

Setting Up the SendGrid Add-On



Download and install the add-on
A SendGrid account

Before you can begin setting up your notifications, you』ll need do a quick bit of setup so that Gravity Forms can authenticate with your SendGrid account. To set up the SendGrid Add-On, perform the following steps:

Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.
On the left side navigation menu, hover over Forms and click on Settings.
From this page, click the SendGrid tab.
Enter your SendGrid API Key. If you need help getting your API key, you can follow our article on obtaining your SendGrid API key.
Click Update Settings. If you』ve entered your account information correctly, you will be notified by a green check mark beside the box. If you do not see a green check mark, please double check this information and try again.

Once you have entered your API Key, you』re ready to begin sending form notifications using SendGrid.

Shipping Field CSS Selectors

Shipping Field CSS Selectors


example: shipping field container (div) – applies to all forms
body .gform_wrapper .gform_body .gform_fields .gfield .ginput_container_singleshipping {border: 1px solid red;}
example: shipping field container (div) – applies just to form ID #1
body .gform_wrapper_1 .gform_body .gform_fields .gfield .ginput_container_singleshipping {border: 1px solid red;}
example: shipping field container (div) – applies just to specific container (based on the unique parent element ID – replace 「XX_X」 with your actual element ID)
body .gform_wrapper_1 .gform_body .gform_fields #field_XX_X.gfield .ginput_container_singleshipping {border: 1px solid red;}
example: shipping field label (label) – applies to all forms
body .gform_wrapper .gform_body .gform_fields .gfield_shipping .gfield_label {border: 1px solid red;}
example: shipping field label (label) – applies just to form ID #1
body .gform_wrapper_1 .gform_body .gform_fields .gfield_shipping .gfield_label {border: 1px solid red;}
example: shipping field label (label) – applies just to specific container (based on the unique parent element ID – replace 「XX_X」 with your actual element ID)
body .gform_wrapper_1 .gform_body .gform_fields #field_XX_X.gfield_shipping .gfield_label {border: 1px solid red;}
example: shipping price (span) – applies to all forms
body .gform_wrapper .gform_body .gform_fields .gfield .ginput_container_singleshipping .ginput_shipping_price {color: red;}
example: shipping price (span) – applies just to form ID #1
body .gform_wrapper_1 .gform_body .gform_fields .gfield .ginput_container_singleshipping .ginput_shipping_price {color: red;}
example: shipping price (span) – applies just to specific container (based on the unique parent element ID – replace 「XX_X」 with your actual element ID)
body .gform_wrapper_1 .gform_body .gform_fields #field_XX_X.gfield .ginput_container_singleshipping .ginput_shipping_price {color: red;}

Setting Up a Legacy Zapier Zap

Setting Up a Legacy Zapier Zap


This guide applies to Zaps created with the legacy Zapier Gravity Forms Application. New Zaps created within Zapier with Gravity Forms (as either a trigger or an action) will look different now. Additionally, web hooks and feed setting are not required under the new REST API authentication. We are working on an updated version of this guide, but until then, please refer to the official Zapier documentation.
Setup the Zapier add-on
Zapier is an add-on that allows you to trigger an action upon submission of a form. Unlike some other plugins, Zapier does not require an API key to be configured, making this one of the easiest plugins to set up. All that needs to be done is create a form and map a feed.
If you would like to use a pre-existing form, you may skip to step 2. However, if you have not already created a form, you will need to create one in order to integrate the Zapier Add-On with Gravity Forms.

Create your form. No specific fields are required.
Create your Zap. Begin by logging in to your Zapier account. If you do not have an account, you can sign up for one here.
Click the Make a Zap! button located in the header of Zapier』s site.

Select Gravity Forms as your trigger application.

Then select New Form Submission as the trigger.

Click the Save + Continue button.
You will then be presented with the step to Pick A Sample To Set Up Your Zap. Directions on how to do this are displayed on the page and in the next few steps of this article.

Before you can click the 「OK, I did this」 button, you must set up your feed in Gravity Forms and add the displayed URL to your feed as the Webhook URL. To do this, go to the Settings for your form and select Zapier.

Click the Add New button.
Fill out the feed settings. First enter a Zap Name. Then copy the URL displayed on Zapier』s website into the Webhook URL. Next, mark the Zap as Active. Lastly, click the Save Zapier Feed button. Once you save the feed, the form fields and sample data are sent to Zapier which populates the fields available for use with the application to which you choose to send your data. For more information on setting up the feed, please see the Creating A Feed For The Zapier Add-On article.

Return to your setup on Zapier』s site and click the OK, I did this button.

The form submission pulled by the Zap will display. Click Continue.

You will see Almost finished here! Click the link to add the Action step.

Select your Action App and which action you wish to use. The action app is simply the application with which you want your submitted data to interact. In this example, we will be using Gmail. Each application has its own actions and steps to configure. If additional help is needed setting up the trigger or action application, check out Zapier』s documentation page.

Select the action you would like to happen when the form is submitted. In this case, we will be sending an email.

Click the Save + Continue button.
Finish the steps as necessary to configure your action app.
Test your action by clicking the Send Test button.
Once the testing is successful, click the Finish button.
Now it』s time to name your Zap, and turn it on.

Congratulations! You have successfully created a Zap!

Setting Up the Stripe Add-On (version 2.7 and earlier)

Setting Up the Stripe Add-On (version 2.7 and earlier)

Pre-RequisitesStripe SettingsStripe APIPayment Collection (available in Stripe v2.6 and later)Stripe Webhooks

The Stripe settings layout was modified in Stripe Add-On version 2.8. For current versions, refer to our updated article.This article is for users of version 2.7 or earlier.

Gravity Forms and Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On installed
SSL Certificate Installed and Configured
A Stripe account

Stripe Settings
The Stripe Settings will allow you to connect and authenticate with your Stripe account and make some choices about how you collect payment information. Additionally, it will allow you to setup webhooks which are used to communicate events from Stripe back to your Gravity Forms environment.
Navigate to your Stripe Add-On Settings page:

Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.
On the left side navigation menu, hover over Forms and click on Settings.
Click the Stripe tab.

Stripe API
Allows you to specify the environment you want to send your form submission to. Choosing Live will initiate real transactions, while Test will run the form entry into your Stripe test environment, which should not generate any real transactions.

Select the API to use for Stripe integration: Live or Test. Live is for real transactions, and Test is for testing the integration and submitting test forms.
Enter the Live Publishable Key and Live Secret Key for your Stripe account if using Live mode. Or enter the Test Publishable Key and Test Secret Key for your Stripe account if using Test mode. For details on how to get your API information, refer to Obtaining Your Stripe API Keys.
Click Update Settings.

If you』ve entered your API information correctly, you will be notified by green check marks beside each box. If you do not see green check marks, please double check this information and try again.

Payment Collection (available in Stripe v2.6 and later)

This option was introduced in Stripe version 6. It is not on the Settings page for earlier versions.

Scroll to the Payment Collection section.
Select the Payment Collection Method to determine how payment information will be obtained on your form. Refer to this article for more information on the payment collection methods offered.

Stripe Webhooks

Log in here to access your Stripe Webhooks management page.
In Stripe, click the Add endpoint button at the top right above the list of webhooks.
Note: There is a maximum limit of 16 webhook endpoints per Stripe account.
In the Endpoint URL field, paste the URL found under 「View Instructions」 on the Gravity Forms Stripe Settings page (see screenshot below).
Under Version, select the Latest API Version if available (see screenshot below).

Under Events to send, click receive all events from within the box (see screenshot below).
Click the Add endpoint button to save the webhook (see screenshot below).
Under Signing secret, click the 「Click to reveal」 button.
Copy the signing secret and note the Mode at the top of the screen.
Enter the Signing Secret from the Stripe Webhooks page into the Stripe settings. Use the Test Signing secret or Live Signing secret field as applicable.
Check the I have enabled the Gravity Forms webhook URL in my Stripe account. box.
Click Update Settings.

Screenshot: Adding a Webhooks endpoint in Stripe
Once you have entered your Stripe settings, you』re ready to begin Setting Up a Stripe Compatible Form.



SummaryCommon SettingsGeneral SettingsNotesMerge TagsUsageModifiers


The Shipping field allows a shipping fee to be added to the form total. It is available under the Pricing Fields section within the form editor.

Shipping field as displayed in the Field Library

Shipping field as displayed in the Form Editor.

Important: If you use a choice based field type and your choice labels contain any HTML or special characters such as ampersands, commas, hyphens or brackets of any type, you MUST enable the show values feature and give each choice a simple and unique value which does not contain any special characters. Failure to configure values could cause issues for features such as conditional logic.

Common Settings

This field uses only common field settings for the Appearance and Advanced settings. For a description of each of the common field settings, refer to this article. Below you will find description of specialty settings that are particular to this field.

General Settings

SettingDescriptionField TypeSelect the type of field from the available form fields. For Field Types see note 1.PriceEnter the base price for this product. This option is only available when the Single Method field type is selected.


Field Types Single MethodThe Single Method field type will display just the shipping price.Drop DownThe Drop Down field type will display as a drop down field on your form. When this option is selected, the General tab will refresh with options to specify multiple shipping prices.Radio ButtonsThe Radio Buttons field type will display as a field of radio buttons on your form. When this field type is selected, the General tab will refresh with options to specify multiple shipping prices.

Merge Tags

For more information on the use of merge tags, refer to these articles.


{Field Name:2}


This merge tag does not have any modifiers.

Helper Functions

Helper Functions

Introductionadd_field_before()add_field_before() Exampleadd_field_after()add_field_after() Exampleremove_field()remove_field() Examplereplace_field()replace_field() Example 1 – Adding Donation to Transaction Type Drop Downreplace_field() Example 2 – Adding First and Last Name to Billing Information for Mappingget_field()get_field() Examplesettings_text()settings_textarea()settings_hidden()settings_radio()choices_have_icon()get_choice_attributes()settings_checkbox()checkbox_item()checkbox_input()checkbox_input_{$choice_name}()settings_select()get_select_options()get_select_option()settings_select_custom()settings_field_map()field_map_table_header()field_map_title()get_mapped_field_name()settings_field_map_select()get_field_map_choices()settings_field_select()get_form_fields_as_choices()settings_checkbox_and_select()settings_dynamic_field_map()settings_save()

These helper functions may be used to remove, modify, and add fields when working with the Settings API
$this->add_field_before( $name, $fields, $settings );

$name string
The name property of the field these fields should be inserted before.

$fields array
An array of fields to be inserted.

$settings array
The array of sections containing their current fields.

add_field_before() Example
This example uses the same code as the add field after example, with the only change being calling the add_field_before function and specifying the field to place it before as transactionType. This results in the same placement on the page as the other example.
public function feed_settings_fields() {
$default_settings = parent::feed_settings_fields();

//--add PayPal Email Address field
$fields = array(
'name' => 'paypalEmail',
'label' => __( 'PayPal Email Address ', 'gravityformspaypal' ),
'type' => 'text',
'class' => 'medium',
'required' => true,
'tooltip' => '

' . __( 'PayPal Email Address', 'gravityformspaypal' ) . '

' . __( 'Enter the PayPal email address where payment should be received.', 'gravityformspaypal' )
'name' => 'mode',
'label' => __( 'Mode', 'gravityformspaypal' ),
'type' => 'radio',
'choices' => array(
array( 'id' => 'gf_paypal_mode_production', 'label' => __( 'Production', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'value' => 'production' ),
array( 'id' => 'gf_paypal_mode_test', 'label' => __( 'Test', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'value' => 'test' ),

'horizontal' => true,
'default_value' => 'production',
'tooltip' => '

' . __( 'Mode', 'gravityformspaypal' ) . '

' . __( 'Select Production to receive live payments. Select Test for testing purposes when using the PayPal development sandbox.', 'gravityformspaypal' )

$default_settings = $this->add_field_before( 'transactionType', $fields, $default_settings );
return $default_settings;

$this->add_field_after( $name, $fields, $settings );

$name string
The name property of the field these fields should be inserted after.

$fields array
An array of fields to be inserted.

$settings array
The array of sections containing their current fields.

add_field_after() Example
This example creates two new fields, PayPal Email Address and Mode, and places them right after the Feed Name field.
public function feed_settings_fields() {
$default_settings = parent::feed_settings_fields();

//--add PayPal Email Address field
$fields = array(
'name' => 'paypalEmail',
'label' => __( 'PayPal Email Address ', 'gravityformspaypal' ),
'type' => 'text',
'class' => 'medium',
'required' => true,
'tooltip' => '

' . __( 'PayPal Email Address', 'gravityformspaypal' ) . '

' . __( 'Enter the PayPal email address where payment should be received.', 'gravityformspaypal' )
'name' => 'mode',
'label' => __( 'Mode', 'gravityformspaypal' ),
'type' => 'radio',
'choices' => array(
array( 'id' => 'gf_paypal_mode_production', 'label' => __( 'Production', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'value' => 'production' ),
array( 'id' => 'gf_paypal_mode_test', 'label' => __( 'Test', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'value' => 'test' ),

'horizontal' => true,
'default_value' => 'production',
'tooltip' => '

' . __( 'Mode', 'gravityformspaypal' ) . '

' . __( 'Select Production to receive live payments. Select Test for testing purposes when using the PayPal development sandbox.', 'gravityformspaypal' )

$default_settings = $this->add_field_after( 'feedName', $fields, $default_settings );
return $default_settings;

The code above produces output similar to the following:

When extending the GFPaymentAddOn you may want to remove some of the default fields from your add-ons feed configuration page.
$this->remove_field( $name, $settings );

$name string
The name property of the field to be removed.

$settings array
The array of sections containing their current fields.

remove_field() Example
This example removes the Setup Fee field.
public function feed_settings_fields() {
$default_settings = parent::feed_settings_fields();
//hide default display of setup fee
$default_settings = $this->remove_field( 'setupFee', $default_settings );
return $default_settings;

Instead of removing a field, you may replace it with a modified version. When using replace_field, you do not need to worry about the placement on the page because the field will remain in the same location.
$this->replace_field( $name, $fields, $settings );

$name string
The name property of the field to be replaced.

$fields array
An array of fields to be inserted.

$settings array
The array of sections containing their current fields.

replace_field() Example 1 – Adding Donation to Transaction Type Drop Down
This example adds Donation as a choice in the Transaction Type drop down by replacing the transaction type field with an altered version of it. You could also achieve this by removing the field and adding a new version of it and placing it in the correct location on the page.
public function feed_settings_fields() {
$default_settings = parent::feed_settings_fields();

//--add donation to transaction type drop down
$transaction_type = $this->get_field( 'transactionType', $default_settings );
$choices = $transaction_type['choices'];
$add_donation = true;
foreach ( $choices as $choice ) {
//add donation option if it does not already exist
if ( $choice['value'] == 'donation' ) {
$add_donation = false;

if ( $add_donation ) {
//add donation transaction type
$choices[] = array( 'label' => __( 'Donations', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'value' => 'donation' );
$transaction_type['choices'] = $choices;
default_settings = $this->replace_field( 'transactionType', $transaction_type, $default_settings );

return $default_settings;

replace_field() Example 2 – Adding First and Last Name to Billing Information for Mapping
public function feed_settings_fields() {
$default_settings = parent::feed_settings_fields();

//--get billing info section and add customer first/last name
$billing_info = $this->get_field( 'billingInformation', $default_settings );
$billing_fields = $billing_info['field_map'];
$add_first_name = true;
$add_last_name = true;
foreach ( $billing_fields as $mapping ) {
//add first/last name if it does not already exist in billing fields
if ( $mapping['name'] == 'firstName' ) {
$add_first_name = false;
} else if ( $mapping['name'] == 'lastName' ) {
$add_last_name = false;

if ( $add_last_name ) {
//add last name
array_unshift( $billing_info['field_map'], array( 'name' => 'lastName', 'label' => __( 'Last Name', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'required' => false ) );
if ( $add_first_name ) {
array_unshift( $billing_info['field_map'], array( 'name' => 'firstName', 'label' => __( 'First Name', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'required' => false ) );
$default_settings = $this->replace_field( 'billingInformation', $billing_info, $default_settings );
return $default_settings;

$this->get_field( $name, $settings );

$name string
The name property of the field to be retrieved.

$settings array
The array of sections containing the current fields.

get_field() Example
See the replace_field() examples above.
Renders and initializes a text input based on the $field array.
protected function settings_text( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Renders and initializes a textarea element based on the $field array.
protected function settings_textarea( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Renders and initializes a hidden input based on the $field array.
protected function settings_hidden( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Renders and initializes one or more radio type inputs based on the $field array.
protected function settings_radio( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Determines if any of the choices for this field have an icon.
public function choices_have_icon( $choices = array() ) {}

$choices array
The array containing the field choices.

Parses the properties of the $choice array and returns a new array containing a set of HTML attributes to be added to the HTML element.
protected function get_choice_attributes( $choice, $field_attributes, $default_choice_attributes = array() ) {}

$choice array
The choice properties.

$field_attributes array
The fields attributes.

$default_choice_attributes array
The choices default attributes. Default is an empty array.

Renders and initializes one or more checkbox type inputs based on the $field array.
protected function settings_checkbox( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Returns the markup for an individual checkbox item for the given choice array.
protected function checkbox_item( $choice, $horizontal_class, $attributes, $value, $tooltip, $error_icon='' ) {}

$choice array
The array containing the choice properties.

$horizontal_class string
The CSS class to style the checkbox items horizontally.

$attributes string
The attributes to be added to the input element.

$value string
Indicates if the current choice is selected (1 if field has been checked. 0 or null otherwise).

$tooltip string
The tooltip for this choice.

Returns the markup for an individual checkbox input and label for the given choice array.
protected function checkbox_input( $choice, $attributes, $value, $tooltip ) {}

$choice array
The array containing the choice properties.

$attributes string
The attributes to be added to the input element.

$value string
Indicates if the current choice is selected (1 if field has been checked. 0 or null otherwise).

$tooltip string
The tooltip for this choice.

Define a custom checkbox_input_ function ending with a specific choice name to return a custom checkbox input and label markup for that choice.
public function checkbox_input_{$choice_name}( $choice, $attributes, $value, $tooltip ) {}

$choice array
The array containing the choice properties.

$attributes string
The attributes to be added to the input element.

$value string
Indicates if the current choice is selected (1 if field has been checked. 0 or null otherwise).

$tooltip string
The tooltip for this choice.

Renders and initializes a drop down field based on the $field array.
protected function settings_select( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Prepares an HTML string of options for a drop down field.
public function get_select_options( $choices, $selected_value ) {}

$choices array
The array containing the field choices.

$selected_value string
The value currently selected for the field.

Prepares an HTML string for a single drop down field option.
public function get_select_option( $choice, $selected_value ) {}

$choice array
The array containing the choice properties.

$selected_value string
The value currently selected for the field.

Renders and initializes a drop down field with a input field for custom input based on the $field array.
protected function settings_select_custom( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Returns the field markup.
public function settings_field_map( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the parent fields properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Returns the thead element with the column headers.
public function field_map_table_header() {}

Returns the title to be displayed in the left column of the table, the column containing the labels of the child fields. Defaults to Field; override this function to return a custom title.
protected function field_map_title() {}

Returns the key for this field as used in the meta property of the Feed Object. e.g. contactStandardFields_first_name
public function get_mapped_field_name( $parent_field, $field_name ) {}

$parent_field array
The array containing the parent fields properties.

$field_name string
The name property of the field_map child field.

Returns the markup for the drop down containing the form fields and entry meta choices.
public function settings_field_map_select( $field, $form_id ) {}

$field array
The array containing the child field properties.

$form_id integer
The ID of the current form.

Returns an array of form field and entry meta choices.
public static function get_field_map_choices( $form_id, $field_type = null, $exclude_field_types = null ) {}

$form_id integer
The ID of the current form.

$field_type string|array
The type of fields to be included.

$exclude_field_types string|array
The type of fields to be excluded.

Renders a drop down field containing the form fields as choices.
protected function settings_field_select( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Retrieve an array of choices containing the form fields.
public function get_form_fields_as_choices( $form, $args = array() ) {}

$form Form Object
The current form.

$args array
Additional settings to check for (field and input types to include, callback for applicable input type).

Renders and initializes a checkbox field that displays a select field when checked.
protected function settings_select( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the field properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Returns the field markup for the dynamic_field_map type field.
public function settings_dynamic_field_map( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the parent fields properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Returns the markup for the save button.
public function settings_save( $field, $echo = true ) {}

$field array
The array containing the parent fields properties.

$echo boolean
Default is true. Indicates whether the field markup should be echoed to the page.

Creating a Feed for the Stripe Add-On

Creating a Feed for the Stripe Add-On

Pre-RequisitesIntroductionCreate Your FeedTesting

The Stripe feed settings were modified in Stripe Add-On version 3.0. For setting up older versions, refer to this article.


Setup the Stripe Add-OnCreate a Stripe Compatible Form


The last step of integrating Stripe with Gravity Forms is creating a feed. A feed communicates information to Stripe each time a visitor successfully submits your form. This is a critical step. If it is not completed, nothing is sent to Stripe for processing.

Create Your Feed

Open the form you want to link to Stripe, or create one using this guide: setting-up-a-stripe-compatible-form. Select Forms from your WordPress dashboard to view your forms. Hover hover over Settings of the form you would like to add Stripe to, and select Stripe from the dropdown.

You will be directed to a Stripe Feeds page. Select Add New or Create One to begin creating your Stripe Feed.Give your Feed a unique Name. This prevents any trouble with distinguishing the feed later on. It is not displayed to the user. See notes below. Select the Transaction Type. Products and Services are single one time payments while Subscription is a recurring payment.

You will then need to complete the various panels of Feed Settings to define how you feed should work. Refer to our Feed Settings Reference document for a full description of all settings.


There is a large amount of settings required for payment gateways, and their proper functioning is probably key to your forms operation. Verify that your Stripe integration is functioning as expected. We recommend sandbox testing for all form changes and before installing add-on updates in your production environment.

See also this article on verifying your Stripe Integration.

Creating a Form Shortcode

Creating a Form Shortcode

SummaryBut I Just Want To Add A Form!Example Form ShortcodeParametersHow To Find The Form IDAdding a Shortcode Using the Shortcode BlockPossible ErrorsShortcode Actions

WordPress shortcodes allow users to perform certain actions as well as display predefined items within WordPress pages and posts. The Gravity Forms form shortcode is the primary method used to display a Gravity Form on your site.
The form shortcode can be used anywhere within WordPress where shortcodes are supported. For most users, this will primarily be within the content of a WordPress post or page. Shortcodes are added when you use a standard WordPress editor to add the form to the page. Refer to the next section below if you just want further information on adding a form to your site.
But I Just Want To Add A Form!
The information contained here is not needed to add a form to your site, as the standard Add Form functions contained within the page editor will construct the shortcode for you without any manual editing required. This article is just a handy explainer for those curious as to what these shortcodes mean. If you simply want information on the process of adding a form to your post or page, refer to this documentation section.
Example Form Shortcode
1[gravityform id="1" title="false" description="false" ajax="true" tabindex="49" field_values="check=First Choice,Second Choice"]
The following parameters are shown within the sample shortcode above.

The id of the form to be embedded. (required)
Whether or not to display the form title. Defaults to 『true』. (optional)
Whether or not to display the form description. Defaults to 『true』. (optional)
Specify whether or not to use AJAX to submit the form.
Specify the starting tab index for the fields of this form.
Specify the default field values. See also this article for detailed information on dynamic population.

How To Find The Form ID
In order to use a form shortcode, you will need the form ID. Here is how you can determine the ID of your form:

Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.
On the left side navigation menu, hover over Forms and click on Forms.
Find the form you need the ID for, and click on it.
The form ID is listed to the right of the form name.

Adding a Shortcode Using the Shortcode Block
If you are using the WP5+ block editor, and want to add a form using the shortcode instead of the Gravity Forms block, there is actually a Shortcode block (under the Widgets category), which once added will accept a standard Gravity Forms shortcode.
To do this, follow these steps:

Note the form ID of the form you wish to insert on the page.
Within the new block-based editor, bring up the (+) or 「add new block」 dialog where you would like to position it on the page.
Use the search bar to find the Shortcode block and add it. See screenshot.
Insert a valid Gravity Forms shortcode inside the shortcode block. Don』t forget to add the specific form ID you noted within the id=X argument. See screenshot.
Preview your form, and make sure everything checks out!

Possible Errors
If you use the id for a form that does not exist, the following message will be displayed:
1Oops! We could not locate your form.
Shortcode Actions
Other plug-ins can extend the abilities of your Gravity Forms shortcode. Refer to this article for information on additional shortcode functionality that comes with our official User Registration plugin.